Chris W at My Thoughts On Freedom started a campaign on behalf of the students at Live Oak High School in California who were harassed by fellow students of Mexican decent for wearing American flag t-shirts on May 5th. The Mexican decent students said it was disrespectful to THEIR holiday, which is Cinco de Mayo, the day that the Mestizo and Zapotec Indians defeated Napoleon’s Army. Cinco de Mayo is actually more celebrated in American than in Mexico because Mexico’s Independence Day is actually September 16th.
The principal at the High School didn’t have enough backbone, or American pride, to stick up for the students, so Chris W wants to show these students that we support them!
Chris says:
America is under attack. Our history, our culture and our way of life has been assailed by forces from within to the point to where if you celebrate America and what it stands for, you are called a racist, a Nazi or a tea-bagger.
The latest assault on America came last week when five high school students in California were sent home for the day because they chose to be patriotic and wore t-shirts depicting the American flag on Cinco de Mayo. This act of patriotism was deemed incendiary by one school official and offensive and disrespectful by students of Mexican descent who claimed that this was their day to celebrate Mexico.
This cannot be tolerated. Even though the school's principal has since apologized, that does not begin to address the issue which is this is America and every day we are a free nation is a cause to celebrate that.
To this end, we need to band together to show the anti-America crowd that we will not accept these assaults on free speech and patriotism. We also need to show, not only these five student but, students across the country that they should not be ashamed or fearful of showing their pride in America at any time.
To let these kids know that America has their backs please show your solidarity and send a flag adorned t-shirt or any other representation of the flag to
Flags for Free Speech
c/o Live Oak High School
1505 East Main Ave
Morgan Hill CA 95037
There are approximately 1300 students at Live Oak HS and we would like to see that they each get one.
The principal at the High School didn’t have enough backbone, or American pride, to stick up for the students, so Chris W wants to show these students that we support them!
Chris says:
America is under attack. Our history, our culture and our way of life has been assailed by forces from within to the point to where if you celebrate America and what it stands for, you are called a racist, a Nazi or a tea-bagger.
The latest assault on America came last week when five high school students in California were sent home for the day because they chose to be patriotic and wore t-shirts depicting the American flag on Cinco de Mayo. This act of patriotism was deemed incendiary by one school official and offensive and disrespectful by students of Mexican descent who claimed that this was their day to celebrate Mexico.
This cannot be tolerated. Even though the school's principal has since apologized, that does not begin to address the issue which is this is America and every day we are a free nation is a cause to celebrate that.
To this end, we need to band together to show the anti-America crowd that we will not accept these assaults on free speech and patriotism. We also need to show, not only these five student but, students across the country that they should not be ashamed or fearful of showing their pride in America at any time.
To let these kids know that America has their backs please show your solidarity and send a flag adorned t-shirt or any other representation of the flag to
Flags for Free Speech
c/o Live Oak High School
1505 East Main Ave
Morgan Hill CA 95037
There are approximately 1300 students at Live Oak HS and we would like to see that they each get one.
Thank You.
Let’s stand behind our youth, who have displayed MORE pride and fortitude than some of the adults in this situation! Re-post Chris W’s message on your blog so it will go viral, and if you can, send these kids a t-shirt to show your support.