Mel Gibson did it again—opened his big mouth and let ugly words fly. He did that in 2006 when he was arrested for drunk driving. In 2006 his anger was directed at the cops an
d his words were directed toward Jews. This time his anger was directed at his girlfriend, whom he’s been having some domestic problems, Blacks, and Hispanics. His ugly rant was tapped by his girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva, who felt she might need proof for the court battle they are sure to encounter over their daughter, since there is currently a restraining order on Gibson. After hearing the tapes, I can honestly say that Mel Gibson is anti-Semitic, a racist against Blacks and Hispanics and he has serious mental issues.
If Gibson comes out and apologizes, I hope someone tells him to go to hell in a hand basket because he wouldn’t be sincere. Words like that don’t roll off your tongue unless you use them on a regular basis. There is no way, no matter how angry I might be, that I would use the “N” word, a disparaging word for Latinos or say something against Jews, or any other religion for that matter, because I have nothing against any of them—I don’t believe I am better than anyone. Needless to say, I don’t use those disgusting terms in my everyday language therefore rage won't induce a hemorrhage of them either.

Then we have the case of Samir Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party who tried to intimidate voters in 2008 at a Philadelphia polling center and who is also on video saying some vile things while calming standing on a sidewalk. He calls for the death of white people and their babies and not ONE person, Black or White even stops to question his hate speech. It’s almost like these passerbys hear this type of repulsive oratory every day!
What the heck is wrong with people? And where is this so-called post racial America that we were told we had since Obama was elected? It seems to me that I’m hearing more racism now than ever before.
I do think there are bigots and racists around us, as is apparent with Gibson and Shabazz. They are ignorant jerks, for a lack of better words. But I think the majority of Americans are NOT and when people are accused of being racist when he or she isn’t, it shuts down constructive conversation. I also think that lately the term “racist” has been way over used and has actually lost its shock value. Kind of like car alarms-- no one pays attention anymore. That’s sad, because when it’s important no one’s going to notice. It's imperative that we recognize real racism and bigotry and attack it at its source and STOP it and it’s also our responsibility to CEASE the false accusations and DEFEND those who are innocent.
In the cases of Gibson and Shabazz, I have nothing to offer either of them because I think they are beyond help. Both have black hearts and neither see the darkness of their own souls because they are too damn busy being angry at the world and everyone in it when it’s they who are wrong and have wronged. I don’t feel sorry for either of them and won’t waste anymore precious time on these sorry excuses for human beings.

If Gibson comes out and apologizes, I hope someone tells him to go to hell in a hand basket because he wouldn’t be sincere. Words like that don’t roll off your tongue unless you use them on a regular basis. There is no way, no matter how angry I might be, that I would use the “N” word, a disparaging word for Latinos or say something against Jews, or any other religion for that matter, because I have nothing against any of them—I don’t believe I am better than anyone. Needless to say, I don’t use those disgusting terms in my everyday language therefore rage won't induce a hemorrhage of them either.

Then we have the case of Samir Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party who tried to intimidate voters in 2008 at a Philadelphia polling center and who is also on video saying some vile things while calming standing on a sidewalk. He calls for the death of white people and their babies and not ONE person, Black or White even stops to question his hate speech. It’s almost like these passerbys hear this type of repulsive oratory every day!
What the heck is wrong with people? And where is this so-called post racial America that we were told we had since Obama was elected? It seems to me that I’m hearing more racism now than ever before.
I do think there are bigots and racists around us, as is apparent with Gibson and Shabazz. They are ignorant jerks, for a lack of better words. But I think the majority of Americans are NOT and when people are accused of being racist when he or she isn’t, it shuts down constructive conversation. I also think that lately the term “racist” has been way over used and has actually lost its shock value. Kind of like car alarms-- no one pays attention anymore. That’s sad, because when it’s important no one’s going to notice. It's imperative that we recognize real racism and bigotry and attack it at its source and STOP it and it’s also our responsibility to CEASE the false accusations and DEFEND those who are innocent.
In the cases of Gibson and Shabazz, I have nothing to offer either of them because I think they are beyond help. Both have black hearts and neither see the darkness of their own souls because they are too damn busy being angry at the world and everyone in it when it’s they who are wrong and have wronged. I don’t feel sorry for either of them and won’t waste anymore precious time on these sorry excuses for human beings.
I hope they don’t poison anyone else and I wish that more people would speak out against the true racists, even if it’s someone in their own race or someone in their own party--because it’s the right thing to do.
Let's see...
ReplyDeleteGibson's rant was supposed to be a private conversation and Shabazz was on the corner trying to incite others to kill "cracker babies".
Gibson may be crazy, but even Whoopi came to his rescue. Is he crazy? Yeah. Are all people in Hollywood crazy? Yup. He married a trollop who recorded his conversation which he had reasonable expectation of keeping it private. Great story for the Lifetime Channel.
Gibson also didn't try to incite violence against people due to skin pigmentation. Again, Shabazz did.
Let's make a distinction between what is an atrocity and what's private. If they want to get Gibson for harassing that woman, cool. Got it. He was practically foaming at the mouth. Shabazz probably should be indicted under the democrat's beloved hate crime laws. Let us not forget Wisconsin v. Mitchell. The Supreme Court unanimously upheld a Wisconsin statute which provides for an enhanced sentence where the defendant "intentionally selects the person against whom the crime [is committed] because of the race, religion, color, disability, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry of that person." The defendant in Mitchell had incited a group of young Black men who had just finished watching the movie "Mississippi Burning" to assault a young white man by asking, "Do you all feel hyped up to move on some white people," and by calling out, "You all want to fuck somebody up? There goes a white boy; go get him." Same thing.
Blue: I purposely didn’t write about Shabazz’s speech being hate filled or a call to violence. I’m saving that for another post--after I finish my research.
ReplyDeleteAmazing though how quiet everything is, huh? I even made this post more than fair by mentioning a black racist and a white racist.
Where are all those for equality? Why aren't they speaking out against Shabazz?
More likely they are holding their breath cause I didn't go silent into that good night. Time will tell.
ReplyDeletePamela, I am glad you posted on both. Hate speech is unacceptable no matter who does it. There is no justification. I am especially disappointed with Whoopi Goldberg who messed up twice. She made excuses for Roman Polanski, an infamous child predator who skipped bail and evaded justice for decades. Then she messed up again by making excuses for Gibson.
ReplyDeleteGee, things are quiet around here. Lets stir the pot starting with ....
bluepitbull - “Gibson's rant was supposed to be a private conversation … He married a trollop who recorded his conversation … Gibson also didn't try to incite violence … Let's make a distinction between what is an atrocity and what's private …
Nope. The yappy dog still doesn’t get it. You still think verbal abuse is a private matter. I suppose you think domestic violence is perfectly acceptable too when it happens in private.
But how dare a woman expose her abuser and rat on him public? Then yappy dog thinks every woman is a trollop. Of course, yappy dog doesn’t think a ‘C’ word or ‘N’ word is a form of verbal abuse either … because yappy dog doesn’t think before he yaps.
Maybe yappy dog is a verbal abuser himself. Maybe ratting out an abuser in public is an affront to the patriarchy … and an affront to yappy dog. But yappy dog doesn't think beating up on a woman and knocking out her teeth is violence. All this is perfectly okay to yappy dog … a private privilege for a right winger, but an atrocity for a lefty. Double standard!
Nope, yappy dog still doesn’t get it. Of course, those of us who know yappy dog also know him as Internet predator and stalker, so why should we be surprised.
My gosh!!! I was so wrong!!! Thank you for clearing the entire thing up for me octonut.
ReplyDeleteWe don't know all of the facts yet. And because Whoopi didn't say what you wanted her to say and toe the line with ideological rhetoric, you are disappointed in her, as well.
Here's what we do know: A woman that's face is mostly plastic baited an ex-lover into a frothing rant. Women have great power over men and most tend to use it for good, but even though you might not be aware of it, some do otherwise regardless of you wanting to even the playing field for both sexes in this one incident.
Don't call me names anymore you fuck. I'm tired of you guys treating me in a condescending manner and then ignoring the fact that you did so.
There are reports that much of what she said to Mel the Crazy were deleted from the tapes...hmmmm....
Of course it was verbal abuse, but I wonder what got him to the boiling point. I know what gets you there octo, and it doesn't take much. Care to travel down memory lane where you falsely accuse people of outing you with no proof?
Sad that you can't stick to the topic again. I'd love to know what you thought about Shabazz. Don't call me names anymore please.
Pamela, I think it's better if I don't come here anymore because it seems like the people who preach the most tolerance and diplomacy cannot practice it. This isn't the first time.
ReplyDeletebluepitbull - “… face is mostly plastic … baited an ex-lover into a frothing rant … Women have great power over men … most tend to use it …”
ReplyDeleteThere you go again … hatin’ on women. So in your regard of ALL women, they are devious, out to get men, use their power to torment men, and have plastic faces. Yet, you say these things with no conscious awareness whatsoever and thereby reveal yourself. Then you hide behind the cover of ideology … its always women’s fault … or liberals and all that nada dada … but you never take responsibility for yourself. Way to go, yappy dog!
So where did your anger management problem come from? Maybe yo dah-dah or yo mah-mah used to put you down and humiliate you, or maybe someone made fun of you when you used to go wee-wee, and you have been trying to prove your manhood ever since. And since they did this to you, you think it is perfectly okay to do it to others.
No, yappy dog, you have learned nothing about yourself.
Octopus said...So where did your anger management problem come from? Maybe yo dah-dah or yo mah-mah used to put you down and humiliate you, or maybe someone made fun of you when you used to go wee-wee, and you have been trying to prove your manhood ever since. And since they did this to you, you think it is perfectly okay to do it to others.
ReplyDeleteNo, yappy dog, you have learned nothing about yourself.
Don't have an anger problem here. What I do have is an annoying, bitter old man who's probably incapable of any pleasure anymore and gets his jollies from assaulting others. Not sure why you think it's ok to insult me, but fine. I guess those that can't do criticize.
You love bringing the past up and you love insulting me, but when you get it back or when Pam doesn't agree with you, you get pissed.
I don't know what your personal problem is with me, but trust me, if you wanna battle of wits and words, do it through email. Not here. I expressed an opinion which I am entitled to do, and you tried to make an aberration out of it.
I'm through talking to you on here. For all of your flowery language, you are an idiot.
bluepitbull - "He married a trollop ... face is mostly plastic … baited an ex-lover into a frothing rant … Women have great power over men … most tend to use it …”
ReplyDeleteThese are your words, not mine.
Good post, Pamela.
ReplyDeleteMel Gibson may be a talented director, but he's a bigoted idiot. This just proves for the millionth time that we should not look to Hollywood for wisdom, spiritual guidance or intellectual enlightenment.
It's entertainment, folks, and it's put on by flawed human beings just like you and me.
As a side note, it is possible to preach to someone about civility while calling them a "yappy dog?"
Libs have the passive-aggressive down cold.
And that's about all they have. I often wonder if he octo isn't the old man that bit that Tea Party member's finger off...
ReplyDeleteOcto would never do something that aggressive; it's not in him. Anyway, it's not his style. Cool condescension, backed by pompous sanctimony is more his M.O.
ReplyDeleteI conversed with his crowd awhile. They become very angry and scolding when you question their progressive dogma.
They rake Sarah Palin, Michelle backman and all tea partiers over the coals on a daily basis, some even calling conservatives "Sh-t slinging baboons" and nazis, but when I pushed back they all rolled over and played the aggrieved victim. You'd a thought I was the Neo-Nazi Fourth Reich stomping babies with my jack boots.
I thought they were open-minded intellectuals worthy of good ideological debate. Instead, they turned out to be just another klatch of garden-variety knee-jerk liberals who hate everyone who disagrees with their narrow-minded doctrines.
I wrote about the encounter here:
Eyeless in Left Blogistan
Caution, it is a descent into liberal lunacy...
I just find it the height of his hypocrisy when we don't have all the facts AND he fails to condemn someone who wants to kill whitey.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Mel is nuts. All of Hollywood is nuts. I don't remember him coming out against Polanski's rape of an underage girl. But all that aside, women and men have different biological advantages even if sushi doesn't agree. I follow a much different philosophy somewhere between Rand, Schopenhauer, and Libertarianism. None of those would be in his realm of Alinsky and Marx.
Pamela, I hope you now see that it's your lib buddies who set this stuff off. I'm tired of them insulting me and then hiding under your wing.
excellent work Pam..the haters are still defended by Libs..go figure girl!! .hope your weekend is's hot hot hot here!!:)
ReplyDeletebluepitbull - “I just find it the height of his hypocrisy when we don't have all the facts …”
ReplyDeletebluepitbull - “He married a trollop …
If you don’t have all the facts, then why did you call her a ‘trollop?’ Isn’t that a value judgment? A putdown? If you don’t have all the facts, then why did you assault her character? Now, who is being hypocritical here! These are your words, not mine.
silverfiddle - “I conversed with his crowd awhile. They become very angry and scolding when you question their progressive dogma.”
ReplyDeleteA convenient, selective, and self-serving rendition of a story that is so one-sided, it borders on outrageous fiction. This is what made us angry:
#1 - Duplicity (read: two-faced). First, you tell us what great guys we are and then call us names behind our backs. At first you said …
“This is an intellectually honest blog …” (@ 11:28 AM, March 27, 2010)
“You guys are the funnest group of liberals I've encountered …” (@ 7:47 PM, March 24, 2010)
“Every issue and question you raise is valid …” (@ 11:27 AM, March 23, 2010)
“I find the posts here, and the commenters generally polite and articulate …” (@ 8:24 PM, March 18, 2010)
“I don't know if any of you listen to Bill Bennett in the Morning, but he talks about approaching a debate with intelligence, candor and goodwill. I find all three here” (@ 7:41 PM, March 19, 2010)
#2 - Then you literally hijacked an entire post plus all 45 comments, reproduced these at your blog in toto, and held these up as objects for ridicule and derision. Read: Duplicity, two-faced, saying one thing to our face while stabbing us in the back. Also read: Plagiarism! An entire blog post plus all 45 comments more than meets the definition of illegal use.
#3 - Publishing private and confidential email, example here. In response to this malicious breach of ethics, I rightfully left this comment beneath your post:
Octopüß - “When you post private email to a public forum WITHOUT the expressed permission of the sender, you have committed a fundamental breach of privacy and confidentiality. You have violated a basic trust. Silverfish, in posting this confidential and privileged email, you have demonstrated that you are fundamentally dishonest, untrustworthy, and toxic” (@ 4/18/10 1:33 PM)
Next time, tell the honest and full account, not the sanitized version. BTW, in case you decide to cover your tracks and delete these posts or any comments, too late. There are backup copies.
Octo/sushi (that we will cal Nigiri from here forward) stop while you are ahead. You are a liar, a hypocrite and should be making amends at your age.
ReplyDeleteYou attacked me and apparently have a history of stalking as the previous blogger shows. So stop trying to take bits of what I said and making an issue out of it.
Why not answer this: How do you feel about Roman Polanski not being extradited to the States? How do you feel about Alec Baldwin screaming at Kim Bassinger? How do you feel about Shabazz? I'd like to hear a little on that instead of your personal attacks. I'm surprised the old wrinkled hippie mafia hasn't tried to back you, but maybe you pissed them off too.
Lay off the LSD and try sticking to the story and not attacking me. You aren't good at it and you are borrrrrrrrrinnnnnng!!! But, I'm sure you hear that all the time at home. (keeping in mind you brought my parents into this)
bluepitbull - “I don't remember him coming out against Polanski's rape of an underage girl (@July 18, 2010 3:23 PM).
ReplyDeleteThis post on Roman Polanski appeared at the Swash Zone on October 1, 2009 (link here).
I want to tell you something, BPB. There was a time when I genuinely liked you and hoped you would grow intellectually, spiritually, and emotionally as a person. But you have such a thin skin, are so quick to fly off the handle, so quick to attack with little or no provocation, so quick to put your foot in your mouth at every opportunity, and so quick to engage in vicious and sexist cyber-bullying, yet you refuse to take responsibility for your words and actions:
bluepitbull - “ … I was insulted first … (see Patrick’s blog @ October 8, 2009 3:27 PM)
bluepitbull - “Don't call me names anymore you fuck.”
Wow, BPB, these are your words, not mine.
"because yappy dog doesn’t think before he yaps. "
ReplyDelete"So where did your anger management problem come from? Maybe yo dah-dah or yo mah-mah used to put you down and humiliate you, or maybe someone made fun of you when you used to go wee-wee, and you have been trying to prove your manhood ever since."
And you have the nerve to talk to me about growing intellectually, spiritually and emotionally...
Still a little sore, Octo?
ReplyDeleteMust have stung pretty good if you went to the trouble of making backup copies!
LOL! Thanks for the memories, it was just like old times!
See how quickly he plays the aggrieved victim?
That's OK. I'm used to his BS by now and he knows I won't put up with it, nor am I likely to tolerate it from his tiny group of haters as is evidenced by him in his lame duck post on cyber-bullying. When you start something nagiri, keep in mind that there are those that wont just disappear.
ReplyDeleteI wish we could get back on the topic of Gibson and Shabazz without the personal attacks and ad hominems from sushi, but I can see he doesn't get it. If you say things like, "You poor deluded fool" to me which the individual he is talking about did, I will apply equal force until they stop or escalate. That person escalated and so did I. Just happened that that particular person had a lot of enemies that seized on it. When Pam told me to call off the attacks, I did. Which just shows you who the better person is in these scenarios.
But apparently someone copied my dog picture and called themselves by my tag and said some insulting things to this individual. It never occurred to this self-appointed 'enlightened' crowd to check the origin of the comments. Or perhaps it did, but was too good of a crisis to waste.
If the comments aren't coming from San Antonio, TX, they aren't mine. Period. End of story.
You haven't really commented on Shabazz yet...
Passive-Aggressive is the MO of the liberal.
ReplyDeleteThey insult you and yours 5 ways to Sunday, then squeal like stuck pigs when you turn it around on them.
Speech control in another tactic of theirs. The insults and criticisms they use against you are enlightened, but yours are ruled out of bounds.
As for Shabazz and Gibson, I think Pamela covered it pretty well.
As for the misogynist and anti-Semitic Mel, he'd fit right in with Muslim fundamentalists.
bluepitbull - “Just happened that that particular person had a lot of enemies that seized on it. When Pam told me to call off the attacks, I did. Which just shows you who the better person is (…) But apparently someone copied my dog picture and called themselves by my tag and said some insulting things to this individual. (…) If the comments aren't coming from [place name redacted] … they aren't mine. Period. End of story.”
ReplyDeleteA better person would NOT have made such a vile, despicable, and cowardly attack upon a blogger who was suffering from cancer and who lost a family relative in the same year. A better person would have learned from this experience … without making excuses himself or insinuating that an imposter did it. Crude and sadistic treatment of a woman blogger under any circumstances (especially in times of illness and family loss) is tantamount to moral depravity and a character disorder. That describes you, bluepitbull.
Political partisans do not leave their humanity at the door when a fellow blogger is suffering. Under this post, there are 22 comments from well wishers, conservative as well as liberal well-wishers, who consider themselves friends of the subject blogger. Among those well-wishers is the author and owner of this blog. Another well-wisher, a prominent conservative blogger, was so shocked and appalled at what you did, he left this comment:
[Name redacted] – “There's no justification for taking political disagreements to the level of personal attacks (…) BluePitbull, if you want to try bullying someone, bring it on. I've bitch slapped more intelligent and reasonable people than the likes of you. You'd barely warm me up, you cowardly bastard (@ 9:35 PM, October 05, 2009).
Beyond partisanship, you have demonstrated signs and symptoms of extremely disturbed behavior. Yet, you still don’t get it. You are still hatin’ on woman, still making excuses for yourself, still refusing to acknowledge responsibility for what you did, and still employing subterfuges and smokescreens to divert attention from yourself.
Have you ever considered counseling? It would not be cool to see your mug shot plastered on a Post Office bulletin board someday.
I didn't know anything about said individual's problems. I told you that already. And who's the disturbed person? The one who is on a new assault against me.
ReplyDeleteYou can't do anything to me. Even if you could physically get to me, you still couldn't, so why not have a nice warm glass of stfu?
You died and made you the personal avenger of passive-aggressive hippies anyway?
You should stop while your ahead, I don't want anyone blaming me for your meltdown.
You can try and change history and bend it to suit your needs all you want, but I know what I've done and I'm not guilty of trying to derail a cancer victim. You can ask Pam if you want. When I was informed of what was going on, I stopped my post on MY SITE. I never went there during the time you are talking about. Internet statistics could tell you that.
You are a sad, sad, sad, disturbed individual. I've seen you do this to others many times. So don't talk to me about cyber-anything. You're a little angry punk who attacked me on this site during this post with no provocation, and that's a fact. Feel the burn sushi.
Let someone else set your moral behavior? Why did you even go there? Why did you have to be stopped by somebody else?
ReplyDeleteDoes Pam have you on a leash? You say sorry when she tells you to? No morales, or manners of your own?
You just claimed in the previous comment section that I stopped blogging because of you. You knew well why I stopped blogging (cancer) because you read my blog. You quoted my words from my blog, so I know you knew about my cancer.
As I said before, your a sick bastard, Bluepitbull.
I've not read your blog tommy. Someone told me about via email and I tried to offer you support and got my head bit off in the process.
ReplyDeleteTrust me, there is nothing memorable about your blog or any liberal blogs so I don't visit them and how dare you imply that I would waste my time reading newspeak anyway.
I'll say this as well: Your disease doesn't make you immune from criticism when you start getting ugly. Which you do constantly. I'm done here, this is boring. Go on, get the last word on this if it helps you feel better. You and sushi boy suck. I'm done trying to express an opinion only to meet with condescension and derision from a bitter, angry group such as yours.
Bye bye now.
bluepitbull - “When Pam told me to call off the attacks, I did (July 19, 2010 9:20 AM).
ReplyDeletebluepitbull - “I'm not guilty of trying to derail a cancer victim. You can ask Pam if you want (July 19, 2010 2:27 PM).
I believe you have already told us yourself. Not very clever of you, bluepitbull. Now, lets talk about this:
bluepitbull - “ … (keeping in mind you brought my parents into this) … (July 18, 2010 11:35 PM).
Since this comment thread began, I have received a half dozen emails of support (from people I know and from people I don’t know of both persuasions who have resented BPB’s hair trigger temper tantrums) … especially from one writer who brought this to my attention:
[Name Redacted] - “BPB and [name redacted] were discussing sending emails to each other when BPB gave his email address as [email address redacted] … I thought it incredibly stupid of him to put his name out considering the trouble he liked to stir.
In other words, bluepitbull, you outed yourself. In fact, you did this not once but twice. This is what I have been trying to tell you: You are so touchy and thin-skinned, have such a quick temper, are so quick to point fingers and blame others and make bogus claims, you never take responsibility for your own words and actions. Nice try but no cigar.
So you did not quote my blog in your comment above?
ReplyDeleteTake shots at a person with brain cancer. What a dick head.
Attack my blok. What a dick head.
TOM - “Let someone else set your moral behavior? … Does Pam have you on a leash? You say sorry when she tells you to?” (July 19, 2010 3:46 PM)
ReplyDeleteTom, I understand what you are saying and had similar thoughts myself. Most of us have a moral compass inside ourselves that helps us distinguish right from wrong. Apparently, BPB has difficulty in making this determination for himself so he seeks help or assurance from others such as Pamela. How this inability to make moral judgments came about, I do not know but I have my suspicions and suspected as much ten months ago in this exchange:
bluepitbull - “Octo, why don't you stop me? You run your mouth alot with floral terms and fun word combos that mean absolutely nothing” (October 7, 2009 10:13 PM).
At that time, I think BPB was reaching out for help in making moral judgments, but I did not answer him. Here’s why: “Octo, why don't you stop me?” Was this an honest question or a provocation (as in “I dare you”)? I suspected a typographical error, but with BPB one never knows for sure. As a question, his comment should have read, “Why didn’t you stop me?”
I am not splitting hairs over spelling and grammar because his next sentence was hostile and angry: “floral terms and fun word combos that mean absolutely nothing.”
This is another example of how BPB shoots himself in the foot. He manages to jumble “I want to talk” with “I hate you” … all at the same time. When I encounter stuff like this, I chose to ignore it. Nevertheless, this is how he manages to alienate people … even those trying to be friendly.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI've given this Mad Mel business alot of thought before responding and here's what I came up with and it works for me. Let's say someone on LSD or angel dust gives a similar rant to a trademark Mel (the Jews, the blacks etc.) should we then put that in a file over at the ADL? Should Abe Foxman give a statement? My thing is this, if you wanna condemn someone and put in a folder somewhere all the racist rantings spewed by people on alcohol and/or drugs then fine but you're gonna have to go out to Staples and buy another filing cabinet. Also these things as ugly as they are were said to Oksana in private and as Shaw reminded me over at my own blog it's alot like when conservative media went after Alec Baldwin over a private conversation to his daughter that Kim Basinger leaked. Gibson ain't a model human being, not by a long shot but I'm more than a little uncomfortable with condemning someone 100% when they were under the influence of something. I had a lady boss once who in the middle of an otherwise good day would go into these weird rants and I later found out she was on medication so I made allowances. In vino veritas? dunno man, to me alcohol can change the way you think when you're under its influence. This is why I took so long to respond, I think this stuff has been greatly oversimplified. Gibson needs help, DUH!
ReplyDeleteGlancing again through the fine exchange between bluepitbull and Octopus and I tend to agree with blue. Patrick M has said this over at his own blog, forget the topic but that a woman can tear a man's soul in two (of course he used more colorful language). To say that some women are evil is not to indict the entire gender and this woman may well turn out to be an extortionist. As for Whoopi it's a free country and she has every right to add her .02. If everyone agreed with each other all the time conversation would be boring in a hurry.
ReplyDeleteYes, but it suits his purpose in indicting me. It's the same trick the left always uses..."RACISM!" "SEXISM!" "GREED!"
ReplyDeleteIt used to work, but not anymore. As for the personal attacks by them, I've been threatened via email and called every possible name in the book. This just shows their abject cowardice hiding behind false names and screaming accusations and weaving confusing dialogs they themselves cannot follow.
Honestly, I'm just bored with all of it. They blame me for assaulting them and then call me every name in the book and even bring my parents into it (one of which happens to be a woman, does that make him a sexist?) and show their absolute disdain for differing opinions by shouting them down and screaming all of the accusations above in a frothing rant, and then to top it all off threaten me via email. I want to lol on one hand, but the retired side of me yawns and walks away. But, of course, not before thumbing them in the eye one more time for being hypocrites for preaching tolerance and then badmouthing me.
Good time of the year for raw octopus and wasabi and a little ginger, n'est pas? Oui. Absolutement.
bluepitbull - … even bring my parents into it …
ReplyDeleteThis is your third mention of ‘parents’ within this comment thread, and I don’t understand because this never came up before as far as I can recall. If you would like to explain, you are welcome to email me for a private exchange (you know how to find me).
Blogger Octopus said...So where did your anger management problem come from? Maybe yo dah-dah or yo mah-mah used to put you down and humiliate you, or maybe someone made fun of you when you used to go wee-wee, and you have been trying to prove your manhood ever since. And since they did this to you, you think it is perfectly okay to do it to others.
ReplyDeleteOh, that must be where it came from. That's all. Funny how you can't deny the rest of what I said. My chopsticks are out...
Octo and Blue: You both know you are my friends and you also know how I feel about “fighting”. That’s all I’m going to say.
ReplyDeleteLike I said, I was trying to express an opinion and got blindsided by the guy who claims I'm a cyberbully.
ReplyDeleteI am trying to respect your rules, but I won't have a guy that couldn't talk this way to my face doing it here. Especially when my thoughts on the subject that you wrote about (trying to stick to the subject which seems to elude your friend octo) can't seem to just speak his peace on the Gibson/Shabazz issue and still hasn't done so, but has taken painstaking measures to attack me.
Trust me, the guy isn't your friend if he has to cyber-fight me here can't do it via email since he has my personal email address...unless that's him threatening me, but I'll let that go. My original comments stand fortified by other people who agree with me. Octo stands with progressives who know their days are waning along with their age. Laugh that one off octo.
It's nice to see that someone has the same questions I do. What is going on here with all this racism?!?! At times I don't feel like I am living in America.
ReplyDeletePamela - You both know you are my friends and you also know how I feel about “fighting”. That’s all I’m going to say."
ReplyDeleteBut Pamela, he doesn't call, he doesn't write ...
You just can't help yourself, can you?
ReplyDeleteAt least we know you're threshold of tolerance when it comes to expressed opinions.
Your all out crusade to get rid of my presence has only produced frustration and disappointment for you friend. I've offered you several chances to answer simple questions and you used those to deride me and assault me.
Pam, if that watered down attempt at having us get along when you know he's wrong is all you can so, then I guess my presence isn't needed here. Bye bye.
You just can't help yourself, can you?
ReplyDeleteAt least we know you're threshold of tolerance when it comes to expressed opinions.
Your all out crusade to get rid of my presence has only produced frustration and disappointment for you friend. I've offered you several chances to answer simple questions and you used those to deride me and assault me.
Pam, if that watered down attempt at having us get along when you know he's wrong is all you can so, then I guess my presence isn't needed here. Bye bye.
Jesus BPB. How many times are you going to threaten to leave?
ReplyDeleteI agree that Pamela and Octo have charms but dude;
Crap or get off the pot man.
Blue: It wasn’t an attempt to get you to get along—I know there will be people who won’t like each other and that’s okay but both you and Octo, and anyone else who has visited my blog on a regular basis, are very aware of how I feel about internet fighting, regardless of who starts it. You two are even more aware considering both of you came to my defense when I was attacked, therefore I felt the fewer the words the better, because I didn’t want to be preachy or rehash my stance yet again. I felt I could leave it up to the two of you to conduct yourselves in the appropriate manner.
ReplyDeleteYeah, well, it would help if your lib frauds would agree with you and understand when they are wrong.
ReplyDeleteps: Truth, I am more than happy to pay taxes for your Medicare so you can get the blue pill, old man.
Appreciate that Bluepitbull. The ladies would truly mourn the day I couldn't give em ahem, "honesty" all night long.