8 years ago today our country was attacked by terrorists and we lost 2,740 Americans.
September 11th is a day that I will remember for the rest of my life even though I don’t live in New York City. I live approximately 1 hour from Shanksville, Pennsylvania where Flight 93 rests in a beautiful memorial built to honor the 40 Americans who died there that fateful day.
On that gorgeous September morning in 2001, I had just arrived at work when the first plane hit the 1st World Trade Center Tower. Then, I watched in shock as the 2nd plane hit the 2nd Tower in Manhattan. I thought I was watching a movie. It was surreal. My mind was whirling and telling me, “This isn’t happening.” “This is trick photography.” But when both World Trade Center buildings collapsed, one right after the other, I knew with horrified dread, it wasn’t a movie, but a stark reality.
I immediately called my husband, who was off from work due to a work related injury, and told him to pick up our son from school. I left work and joined my family. We watched television the rest of the day; trying to grasp the fact that our Country was under attack by terrorists who were using OUR domestic planes as weapons. When we heard about the plane that went down in Shanksville, we realized even we weren’t impervious from terrorists. Another 10 or 15 minutes and that plane could’ve landed on our house!
We hugged one another and our boys more times than I could’ve counted that day. We couldn’t stop being grateful that we were home— safe. We called our family and friends and told them we loved them. The brutal reality of that devastating ordeal brought forth the fact that our lives were fragile— ALL life is fragile.
Now on September 11th my family and I spend the day remembering that once beautiful, serene morning which spiraled into a horrific tale which told us that our country is not safe and that evil does reside here and it can strike anytime. We don’t know anyone that died 8 years ago, but we say silent prayers that the families who did lose loved ones found peace. We also watch memorials…tears still fill my eyes and at times I can barely speak.
This year September 11th is being tainted by The National Service Act, which President Obama signed into law. It was designated that because, they say, it’s a way for America to remember the spirit of the community, volunteerism and service response that came on September 11, 2001.
I am very upset about this selected date because September 11th is a day to reminisce, mourn and revere those who died on that fateful day. We lost 2,740 Americans on September 11th and it is a sacred day for family and friends to honor and remember those who lost their lives.
Our commitment to service and volunteerism was actually realized on September 12th, the day AFTER.
September 11th is a day that I will remember for the rest of my life even though I don’t live in New York City. I live approximately 1 hour from Shanksville, Pennsylvania where Flight 93 rests in a beautiful memorial built to honor the 40 Americans who died there that fateful day.
On that gorgeous September morning in 2001, I had just arrived at work when the first plane hit the 1st World Trade Center Tower. Then, I watched in shock as the 2nd plane hit the 2nd Tower in Manhattan. I thought I was watching a movie. It was surreal. My mind was whirling and telling me, “This isn’t happening.” “This is trick photography.” But when both World Trade Center buildings collapsed, one right after the other, I knew with horrified dread, it wasn’t a movie, but a stark reality.
I immediately called my husband, who was off from work due to a work related injury, and told him to pick up our son from school. I left work and joined my family. We watched television the rest of the day; trying to grasp the fact that our Country was under attack by terrorists who were using OUR domestic planes as weapons. When we heard about the plane that went down in Shanksville, we realized even we weren’t impervious from terrorists. Another 10 or 15 minutes and that plane could’ve landed on our house!
We hugged one another and our boys more times than I could’ve counted that day. We couldn’t stop being grateful that we were home— safe. We called our family and friends and told them we loved them. The brutal reality of that devastating ordeal brought forth the fact that our lives were fragile— ALL life is fragile.
Now on September 11th my family and I spend the day remembering that once beautiful, serene morning which spiraled into a horrific tale which told us that our country is not safe and that evil does reside here and it can strike anytime. We don’t know anyone that died 8 years ago, but we say silent prayers that the families who did lose loved ones found peace. We also watch memorials…tears still fill my eyes and at times I can barely speak.
This year September 11th is being tainted by The National Service Act, which President Obama signed into law. It was designated that because, they say, it’s a way for America to remember the spirit of the community, volunteerism and service response that came on September 11, 2001.
I am very upset about this selected date because September 11th is a day to reminisce, mourn and revere those who died on that fateful day. We lost 2,740 Americans on September 11th and it is a sacred day for family and friends to honor and remember those who lost their lives.
Our commitment to service and volunteerism was actually realized on September 12th, the day AFTER.
Representative Peter King said, “America came together in the aftermath of 9/11”.
The Serve.gov web-site states, “…in the days after the September 11, 2001 tragedy.”
Two quotes about the aftermath of service. It’s a well known fact that communities and Americans everywhere assisted the city of New York on September 12th. I worked with a man who drove to New York and volunteered for the clean-up efforts. This national day of volunteerism, to show our spirit of community, is for people to support their community and it should be the day AFTER, which is when communities everywhere actually got together and helped our firefighters, police officers and clean-up crews. Or it could be any of the other 200+ days we have available on our calendar.
I’m not sure, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I think most of the families and friends of our fallen Americans would not appreciate this day being diminished in this way. Just as I don’t think Labor Day, Memorial Day or even Martin Luther King, Jr. Day should be over-shadowed by any other ritual. They are days that stand alone— for very good reason. September 11th is a solitary day. It’s a private day to remember our fallen Americans; it is NOT a day of service. I am deeply saddened that it is being used in this manner.
I’m not sure, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say that I think most of the families and friends of our fallen Americans would not appreciate this day being diminished in this way. Just as I don’t think Labor Day, Memorial Day or even Martin Luther King, Jr. Day should be over-shadowed by any other ritual. They are days that stand alone— for very good reason. September 11th is a solitary day. It’s a private day to remember our fallen Americans; it is NOT a day of service. I am deeply saddened that it is being used in this manner.
Thanks for a great tribute Pam..
ReplyDeleteIt's a pity that the left has already forgot and forgiven.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog! As I said on another blog, the only service I will do on 9/11 is pray!
ReplyDeleteThat was indeed a great tribute, Pam. I hugged my three guys so much that day, so very grateful to have them safely with me. It's a day to remember those that lost their lives and strengthens our resolve that their deaths will not be in vain!
ReplyDeleteVery close family friends--people we grew up with--lost their son that day.
ReplyDeleteHe was 41, the father of 3 children, and worked for Cantor Fitzgerald. Gone!
I will never forget the devastation that family experienced--and still does.
We most certainly have NOT forgotten or forgiven, as someone with no sense of what a family goes through, wrote upthread.
Keep partisanship out of this day of mourning and heartbreak. And try to be decent.
Yes, Shaw, you're right - Keep partisanship out of this day. Let it stand for those who lost their lives, & families who lost their loved ones...NOT for dear Leader's radical partisan agenda, which I think one would have to admit was just signed into law today.
ReplyDeletePam, you're right, too: "It’s a private day to remember our fallen Americans; it is NOT a day of service." Let's pray that our next President does the decent thing, which Shaw wisely suggests, & repeals this 'law.'
I have a question for Shaw Kenawe.
ReplyDeleteIf you please, with all due respect to you and your believes no matter haw demented they may be.
Will you do as the president requested and look upon this day as a "Day of Service" and perhaps go out and paint a park bench or clean up a wall of graffiti so that some dope head has a new fresh wall to mess up again.
Or will you continue to call this day 9-11 a day to remember what happened to this country?
Just a honest question.
Thank you
There's absolutely nothing wrong with offering to help one's fellow Americans. As I pointed out elsewhere, we can take the time to help a military family or the family of a 9/11 victim. There's nothing political in being decent human beings who want to memorialize 9/11 by helping and being of service those who were most damaged by it. There's nothing wrong with doing something for one's country or fellow American. People were doing that very thing on 9/12.
ReplyDeleteI actually spoke to the family who lost their son. They have no problem with this as a memorial to 9/11.
You snide question to me contributes nothing to the discussion.
People with honest opposing ideas can actually discuss them without being rude.
Our hostess, Pam, is a good example of this art.
"There's nothing wrong with doing something for one's country or fellow American. People were doing that very thing on 9/12."
ReplyDeleteShaw, you're perfectly correct here. And had it not been for BHO's prior assertions of his 'national service' agenda items, this would not be so offensive. Serving one's neighbor is never wrong (as you aptly say), but for the President to obscure a day in which the whole country should be focused on mourning by inserting his 'national service' agenda IS wrong, & disrespectful, & indecent.
Also, AAWC's question, while the tone may have been a bit rough, was good; one I think we ALL should answer.
Are we to remember this day for what it was - the terrible crushing of our nation's psychological & physical security? Or will we chuck all that, blur the very real peril we face & sing Kumbayah (as we sign onto the 'pledge' to be of service to our President, BHO).
Shaw Kenawe said...
ReplyDeleteThere's absolutely nothing wrong with offering to help one's fellow Americans.
You sound like an Obama apologist.
The bastards will win if Obama keeps giving them their way.
Susannah said...
ReplyDelete"There's nothing wrong with doing something for one's country or fellow American. People were doing that very thing on 9/12."
Shaw, you're perfectly correct here
No, she is not perfectly correct and frankly I'm surprise that you would say that Susannah.
I have been reading your blog and I know your position on this so why are you agreeing with this leftist apologist?
We don't want no stinkin Day of Service.
Yes, its okay to use the personal losses suffered by families on 9/11 as a rant on "...Are we to remember this day for what it was - the terrible crushing of our nation's psychological & physical security..."
ReplyDeleteBut we cannot use the day to commit ourselves to SERVICE and that we all must commit ourselves to making this country safer and stronger so that we do not suffer another "...the terrible crushing of our nation's psychological & physical security..."
That's like Glenn Beck ranting about how he hates the families of 9/11 victims but he has no problem using the same imagery for his 9/12 project.
Just admit that you don't like the fact that a black guy is the President....oh, yeah, just use his 'socialism' as a smoke screen...because he hasn't done a thing that vaguely resembles socialism....his healthcare reform is going to make a lot of insurance companies very rich...
I was attracted to this blog by a comment made on another blog by Pamela D. Hart that was a delight to read, now I come here and find these people kissing up to their Messiah.
ReplyDeleteThis incompetent president and the leftists want to highjack that day so that the Muslims won't be offended.
Obama wants us to bow to the Saudi masters on 9/11 and beg to serve them. .... Thank God democracy still has a foothold in this Country where we once knew freedom.
Obama wants us to psychologically remove from our mindsets that on that day “radical” Islam declared war on the United States of America!
And PS Truth101, God Bless Glenn Beck!
ReplyDeleteAre you afraid of the TRUTH!
All Glenn Beck did was to expose a CROOK.
On 9/12/01 if I told you that eight years hence, a closet Muslim, who is a utopian socialist bent on tearing down American society, named Barack Hussein Obama would become president. He would push that we put the attack on the WTC behind us (because it makes Muslims look bad) and instead of remembering what happened, would initiate a "day of service"?
ReplyDeleteWhat would you have bet me that I was wrong?
Shaw Kenawe are you are blind… are you dumb… are you deaf?
How sick & twisted can you get! It is becoming more and more apparent that this administration does NOT really care what is best for America and its citizens.
For most of us, every September 11th will be a day we remember nineteen fu**ing Islamic cowards murdered 2,998 innocent people- 2,669 of them American citizens. We remember the heroes that fell among them that day ...
Walt, you are such a pathetic political hack...
ReplyDeleteWhy not bring up Bush's kissing up to the Saudi King at his ranch? Why not bring up the numerous trips Cheney made to Saudi Arabia to report in?
Why not bring up the one flight that Bush allowed when no other flights were allowed so that the Saudi's could get their buddies out of this country right after 9/11?
The things this country will do for oil....
ReplyDelete"We don't want no stinkin Day of Service." YOU are perfectly correct here! And that WAS my point to Shaw. She & I don't agree on very much (hardly anything, right, Shaw?), so my "agreeing with this leftist apologist" was simply that service is good. (We have to throw each other a bone now & then, no?)
I was NOT, however, agreeing that BHO's 'framework' for national service - aka radical 'socialist agenda items,' or emblazoning such into law on a day like 9-11 - was correct, appropriate, or in any way the decent/right thing to do. Indoctrinating kids into this way of thinking was part of what his 'speech' to the children was about on Tuesday...My kids & I were at the Zoo for that very reason, for crying out loud!!
So, Walt, I'm sorry I wasn't clear enough here. But thank you for reading my blog. I really, really appreciate it, & I think we're on the same page. Not to worry, from what I've seen/heard of our current President & his plans, there's only 1 thing that I DO like about him, & it isn't this 9-11 service schtick, trust me.
TAO said...
ReplyDeleteWalt, you are such a pathetic political hack.
Susannah said...
"We don't want no stinkin Day of Service." YOU are perfectly correct here! And that WAS my point to Shaw. She & I don't agree on very much (hardly anything, right, Shaw?), so my "agreeing with this leftist apologist" was simply that service is good. (We have to throw each other a bone now & then, no?)
1. Because these people are never satisfied with a bone, they want the whole cow.
2. This Day of Service crapola is more than a bone. Ask the families of the dead victims if we should be calling this a "bone"
Susannah with ALL due respect to you and make no mistake about it, I do respect you. You are getting suckered in by these leftist.
Don't let that happen. Keep up your guard and don't throw them ANY bones.
Thanks and God Bless you.
I've had enough of these liberal talking heads who have been kissing Obam's ass and buying into his socialist crap, no matter what he says.
ReplyDelete...oh boy...I've just finished reading your comments. You quote me - twice, & I'm flattered. Though I'm quite certain you didn't mean it as flattery, I'll take it as you throwing me a bone nonetheless. Thanks.
I've told Walt there's only 1 thing I DO like about BHO.
You, sir, not knowing me & having not studied my archives (though, why would anybody do that?), have NO IDEA the claims you make...
"Just admit that you don't like the fact that a black guy is the President..."
Do kindly SHUT UP - the racial thing is getting so old. The ONE & ONLY thing I like about BHO is that HE IS A BLACK MAN. I get what that means to our country; I understand the significance:
It's just a shame that he also happens to be a communist.
TAO~ Call me prejudiced against commie/socialists, & you'll be right. But never, EVER again insinuate that I'm racist, unless I've given you da@#$d good, valid, concrete reason to do so. Got it?
Walt~ "This Day of Service crapola is more than a bone. Ask the families of the dead victims if we should be calling this a 'bone'."
ReplyDeleteOuch, okay. That's not what I meant at ALL. (Sometimes I wish we all could just be in a room together, talking. On 2nd thought...)
PLEASE don't worry about me being "suckered in". I know EXACTLY who dear Shaw is (& her commarades @ Swash Zone - it's why I never go there), & I trust she knows me by now. And don't worry, I'm not getting 'soft' - if that's what you're getting at (my husband will resoundingly agree), just ask my local School Board after all the emails they got last week...
Okay, so for the other things you said: I'm humbled by your respect, though I hardly think I've done anything to truly deserve such. You saying that means more than you know. Thank you.
PS, Your Momma was lyin when she told you you were special!
EIGHT YEARS OF YOUR TESTERONE RUSH GOT US WHAT? OSAMA BIN LADEN (by the way this asshole is now safely holed up in Pakistan which was your hero's 'front line partner' in the war on terror....
Isn't it funny that three people, Shaw, Truth, and me can seem to stir up hundreds of you.....
TAO said...
Isn't it funny that three people, Shaw, Truth, and me can seem to stir up hundreds of you....
Right, because there are 1,000's of us that get that upset over YOUR Liberal Obama Brown nosed Horse Shit.
Exactly Walt, and I'm one of those 1,ooo's of people that disagree with Obama and his rush, rush rush to pass bills in the middle of the night.
ReplyDeleteRemember the urgency for the stimulus package? had to have it passed right away, but Obama took a four day vacation between congressional passage and his signing it. Now we're seeing the predictable stories of fraud and waste of stimulus dollars. Another taxpayer rip-off!
And now he passed a bill about changing the Day of Remembrance to a day of service. Why was that bill not brought to a vote?
Platitudes, platitudes and more platitudes....
Obama is an embarrassment to this nation.
Keep these Obama crooks far away from our health care! They do not have the competence or honesty to be allowed anywhere near it!
No matter how many times you insult me and how insistently you stamp your feet, Walt, it doesn't change the fact that millions of Americans reached out to help each other on Sept. 12, 2001. That's called being of service to one's fellow citizens. It's also called human decency, which apparently your against.
ReplyDeleteYou guys here see it as some nefarious plot on Mr. Obama's part to keep that spirit alive and part of who we are as Americans.
Caring and decent people.
Mr. Bush encouraged Americans to go shopping after 9/11. That was his suggestion as a way of healing America.
Eight years later, President Obama suggests we serve our country in honor of the people who tragically died on 9/1l.
A majority of people here disagree with that.
There's no need for loud, angry, people to slander anyone over that disagreement.
I believe in what Pam is trying to accomplish when she asks us all to give our opinions without savaging those we disagree with.
Apparently her friends on the Right who comment here don't care about what she's trying to do.
They seem to care only about their anger and being vicious with people who disagree with them.
Good luck with that. It's ruining your party.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteShaw Kenawe said...
ReplyDeleteNo matter how many times you insult me and how insistently you stamp your feet, Walt, it doesn't change the fact that millions of Americans reached out to help each other on Sept. 12, 2001. That's called being of service to one's fellow citizens. It's also called human decency, which apparently your against.
NO, you still don't get it. Human decency is allowing the families to morn on that day and allowing the GOOD and caring people of the USA to remember what was done to us on that day.
But IDIOTS like you and your ilk can't see the picture as it is, you are so brainwashed by that COMMIE FREAK.
We don't want to paint park benches and pick up the filth from you libby hippy nuts.
Why don't you do that on Martin Luther King's day?
Or is that a insulting thing to do on that day!
Well it's an INSULTING thing to ask us to do on 9-11.
Can you get that into your thick skull.
How dare he insult the entire country by wanting us to change the subject of that day! But I shouldn't put anything past him. I’d be pretty cranky too if my favorite group of Community organizer’s like ACORN were just exposed as the CROOKS and CHEATS they always were.
And don't you DARE to tell me about “Caring and Decent People”.
If you cared you would have seen them all over your TV screen yesterday on 9-11, morning there dead loved ones. Not picking up chewing gum wrappers in the park.
29 years ago began the REAGAN REVOLUION and since that time its all been about 'conservatism' 'supply side economics' and 'social conservatism'
ReplyDeleteThis great revolution has led where?
Abortions are still legal, gays are getting married, Evil empires still exist around the world, and our economy is in shambles....
Yet all you want to do is demonize the liberal black guy as the cause of every evil and blame him for everything that is wrong now!
Hello? Glad you finally woke up and realize what a mess this country is in but it was your REVOLUTION and it was your CONTRACT WITH AMERICA that brought Obama to power...
While you all were being lulled to sleep with the conservative lullabies your country was being stolen from you by corporate interests...
Walt wants to blame Obama and his sucking up of the Saudi's....but he can't say one damn thing about Bush and his sucking up...
Yeah, Susannah, glad you are so viligent over protecting this country from socialists and commies....should have been on the job over the last 29 years when the conservatives you were in bed with were blowing smoke up your ass about THERE concern for you freedom!
So, all this debt that Obama is racking up...where exactly is it going? Into corporations like banks, insurance companies, and car companies....
Sounds like socialism to me!!! Corporate Socialism! Personally I am tired of my tax dollars going to benefit corporations and their shareholders...
ONCE you and your ilk apologize for selling this country and my freedoms up river for the last 29 years...once you acknowledge that our tax structure, the one you supported and voted for does not reward people who WORK and SACRIFICE but only rewards those who have money, once you acknowledge that if spending isn't cut and that includes military as well as everything else taxes are going to go up...
So, with Obama you now have a taste of the same ol' crap that you have supported for 29 years I can't help but find humor in your pathetic excuse at justifying your morals and principles....
It was your hero and his revolution that started it all....and now you get all worked up when the left wants to enjoy the same benefits that you enjoyed for 29 years!
Cut the hysterics, if you were happy with the last 29 years then the next 8 shouldn't cause you to lose any sleep...
Calm yourself, buy stocks in insurance carriers because they are going to make a killing with healthcare reform as will drug companies...kind of like Oil companies and the Iraq War...
"Yeah, Susannah, glad you are so viligent over protecting this country from socialists and commies....should have been on the job over the last 29 years when the conservatives you were in bed with were blowing smoke up..."
ReplyDeleteSee, TAO, you've gone from condescending & 'above it all' in your earlier comments, to angry & defensive, to just downright nasty with me here. No need for that (unless your argument is weak).
One thing you're right about - this country has been asleep. Republicans HAVE spent too much (it's why conservatives are upset w/ the Party). But we've been awakened. And I pray (along w/ Walt, Pam, DD2, GuyBrooklyn, MACW, Rev.Greg, Jennifer, AAWC, MeMyself, NoBlog, & the 100's of 1,000's who are marching on Washington TODAY) that we aren't too late.
Sorry I missed this on my 9/ll rounds last night.
ReplyDeleteI think Obugger can shove his service right up his behind, him and the other 49% of idiot Americans who've "forgotten" about 9/ll.
TAO said:
ReplyDelete"Yet all you want to do is demonize the liberal black guy"
"Yet all you want to do is demonize the liberal black guy"
"Yet all you want to do is demonize the liberal black guy"
"Yet all you want to do is demonize the liberal black guy"
"Yet all you want to do is demonize the liberal black guy"
Is That All Your Jerks Can Say? Is it ALL about the POOR Black Man?
Get a new song will ya, this old crap is wearing thin.
Shaw wrote: There's absolutely nothing wrong with offering to help one's fellow Americans. As I pointed out elsewhere, we can take the time to help a military family or the family of a 9/11 victim. There's nothing political in being decent human beings who want to memorialize 9/11 by helping and being of service those who were most damaged by it. There's nothing wrong with doing something for one's country or fellow American. People were doing that very thing on 9/12.
ReplyDeleteShaw wrote:
No matter how many times you insult me and how insistently you stamp your feet, Walt, it doesn't change the fact that millions of Americans reached out to help each other on Sept. 12, 2001.
Shaw: You are right. There is nothing wrong with helping others. I am a proponent of volunteerism, helping others in need and donations. However, I can do any of those things any day of the week. I also do not need the POTUS and Congress passing a law to aid me in this endeavor; therefore with the passing of this “bill” they HAVE turned September 11th political, which to me, is appalling. But you made my point. People were doing that very thing on 9/12. and …millions of Americans reached out to help each other on Sept. 12, 2001. The day of “service” shouldn’t be on Sept 11th, but on Sept 12th.
Sept 11th was the day we were attacked and lost 2,740 innocent Americans and our police and firefighters responded—doing their job very efficiently and heroically, I must add. The volunteerism and joint community efforts occurred in the aftermath of the tragedy, therefore the “national day of service” should technically be Sept 12th. Which is the point of my post.
Tao wrote: Are we to remember this day for what it was - the terrible crushing of our nation's psychological & physical security..."
ReplyDeleteTao: No, I don’t believe we should use this day as a day of “terror”. It is a day to honor those who died. If we use 9/11 to cower and hide, then the enemy has won. We can’t live in fear for the rest of our lives. We must live. I learned THAT lesson after 9/11. I was paralyzed by fear for months. Trust me; it’s NOT a pretty story. My family went through hell because of MY fear. But I learned that living in fear is NOT the answer. So, NO, 9/11 is NOT a day to remember as a day of fear. It is a day to revere the deceased. It is NOT a day for service, either.
Walt wrote: I was attracted to this blog by a comment made on another blog by Pamela D. Hart that was a delight to read…
ReplyDeleteWalt: I don’t know what comment you are referring to, but I want to say “thank you”.
Tao wrote: The things this country will do for oil....
ReplyDeleteTao: I’ve heard this oil argument a lot over the years. If we went to war for oil, then why are our gas prices still over $2.00 per gallon? Please don’t think I’m being a “smart ass”. This IS a legitimate question, because I TRULY don’t understand.
Me, Myself and I: Yes, I would like to know why this “bill” wasn’t more publicized, too. It was passed and signed in April, YET there wasn’t any exposure. Why weren’t “we” notified about it? Why doesn’t Congress ever ask US if WE WANT it? After all, we are the ones who have to live with these laws! Because, as we know, Congress certainly doesn’t follow laws! Even those like Rangel, who writes the tax laws, doesn’t even follow them! Oh, don’t get me started on THAT!
ReplyDeleteTao wrote: … Evil empires still exist around the world, and our economy is in shambles....
ReplyDelete“Evil empires”… well isn’t capitalism the driving force behind our economy? What is “evil” about that? The evil comes from special interest groups filling our politicians’ pockets and THAT has been going on for how many years? Probably the last 20-30, correct me if I’m wrong. So, it’s NOT big, bad capitalism. It’s big, bad politicians who become corrupt once they reach DC. Our economy is in a shambles because our politicians are sticking THEIR noses where they do NOT belong. If they would allow our economy to rise and fall, the way it does all on its own, we would probably be out of this mess without spending trillions. Again, correct me if I’m wrong. I’ve never claimed to be an economic genius, but it just seems like common sense to me.
Tao: It’s NOT all about Obama because I’ve said it before, I’m mad at ALL of Congress and want to clean house! And I’m NOT demonizing “the black guy”. The “bill” passed with Republican signatures. However, Obama has a background with Community Organizing and that’s probably a hard habit to break. He’s accustomed to organizing and volunteering. In my opinion, he needs to break that type of thought process and act more Presidential. To me, he does more speeches that “sound” like he’s still campaigning. From Wednesday to Monday he’ll have a total of 3 speeches. Why so many? I really don’t understand it. He doesn’t need to do that many; he’s already president, who is he trying to impress? That’s how I feel about all these speeches--like he’s trying to impress me. It’s not working. I’m getting tired of seeing him on the tube all the time. I would rather him be in the Oval Office working on fixing something. I just don’t feel like he’s done anything. I’m not trying to be mean, really I’m not. It just seems like he’s only interested in public speaking.
ReplyDeleteI have to laugh my rear end off Pamela. The righties are up in arms about President Obama cllling for a day of service. It wasn't an order for crying out loud. This just shows it's not about what Obama says. It's whatever Obama says the radical right will hate no matter how innocuous.
ReplyDeleteNow to get to what I am still laughing about. Know what I did as a service yesterday. A big tea bag party is going on today in my hometown. One of the organizers is a buddy of mine despite his deluded right wing beliefs. I helped him haul some supplies to the taxpayer funded park the tea baggers will use to complain about government.
I thought I was doing something nice for the righties and they're still pissed off at me Pamela.
One of the jobs of a president, in either party, is to use the "bully pulpit" to influence opinion in order to carry out his agenda.
ReplyDeleteEvery president does this.
Mr. Obama won last November, therefore, his job is to implement his and his party's agenda. When the Republicans are in office, they do exactly the same thing. And the Democrats probably think the Republican president is on the teevee too many times when he's the CiC.
Mr. Obama is using the bully pulpit to try to get his health care reform passed. He gave his health care speech in the same week that he gave his innocuous talk to America's school children, so it appeared like he was on a lot, when it was only twice, but in the same week. The school speech was, what? 10 minutes? The other one, longer, since it dealt with a complicated subject.
Maybe Mr. Obama has given more speeches in his first almost 8 months than did GWB. But Mr. Obama inherited many, many more complicated issues than did GWB when he became president.
As for you suggestion on having Sept. 12 a Day of Service, I have no problem with that. Write to your Congresscritter and tell him/her your feelings. Maybe this can be changed.
ReplyDeleteThe quote "Are we to remember this day for what it was - the terrible crushing of our nation's psychological & physical security..."
Was from Susannah, not mine...I was commenting on what she wrote...
Pam oil is not $2.00 a gallon because for the same reason that everytime someone farts in the middle east the price of oil jumps...we have speculators/commodity traders in between the oil once out of the ground and the refineries. THEY have a tremendous amount of control over the price and availability of oil as a refined product.
The same thing exists in cotton; when the market is running normally you have brokers who set prices based upon demand. But now we have speculators in the market who buy millions of pound of unprocessed cotton sit on it for a few months, drive up the price and then they sell their cotton, pay for their warehouse and pocket a nifty little profit....
Sorry Pam we can all claim that it is NOT Obama, but then read the comments on this blog...
If its Congress then make it "CONGRESS" not Obama, if its Government then say, "GOVERNMENT" but you cannot cheer on Wilson and what he said or go on and on about 'Liberals' and not expect to be called RACIST...
Its fine to go on and on about the reactionary right and the loonie left but so far I note that I have only found ONE liberal troll...Lynne....all the rest are reactionary right trolls...
Thats about a 100 to 1 advantage.
The reason no one asks us is because we don't matter and its going to get worse once the Supreme Court starts hearing the campaign reform case....
We don't matter "WE" have become nothing more than critters that are manipulated by all these organizations out there...
If you want to send a message to Washington, TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, then DON'T attend things like the 9/12 Event....don't send letters, don't email, and don't answer their phone calls...
Then in 2010 vote for NONE OF THE ABOVE. By 2012, if ALL of us did this then trust me there would people running who were not part of the two major parties and we would the beginnings of a TRUE grassroots movement.
Otherwise its nothing but a bunch of ACORNS all over the political landscape, little people belieiving in a cause, who are being used to pressure others in the halls of Washington...
Don't be used....
As far as obama's policies anything proposed can be abolished once he is out off office...so he is not the end of the world...
But to keep claiming that Obama kisses the Saudi's asses without acknowledging that Bush did the same thing feeds exactly everything that everyone wants to claim they are against whenever you push them against the wall...
Look you 3, can't you get it straight? September is NOT a "DAY OF SERVICE" It is the day our country was attacked and we do not wish to forget that..
ReplyDeleteIt is a day to remember that the enemy attacks us, and murdered 3,500 of our innocent people doing nothing but minding their own business.
Why do you have to go along with everything that Obama says. You know what they call that! Drinking the kool-aide. Why can't we have a so called "day of service on any other day. Why can't we have a day of service every day and leave Sept 11th alone?
Can't you see that there's a hidden socialist agenda at work!
I will do my day of service on 9/11 by taking my kids and their friends to a 9-11 memorial service.
We Must Never Forget!
I will continue to observe 9/11 the same way I have since Sept 11th, 2002. I will go to my own town’s 9/11 Memorial where I currently reside and that's it. No other service is needed for us to remember that awful day.
And that's what Sept 11th is for. NOT for serving our King.
Not for bowing down to anybody.
Maybe that's the difference between liberals and conservatives?
A National Day Of Service is what we should expect from a president that delivered such a pandering Ramadan message, while failing to acknowledge Christian and Jewish holidays. He wants us to bury the meaning of 9/11 as quickly as possible as it conflicts with his Islam sympathizing agenda.
Sorry, it's not going to happen.
Truth: I think it’s the fact that an actual “bill” was passed that is causing the ruckus. BUT the bill was passed with BOTH Democrat AND Republican support! So, people need to be mad at BOTH parties! Which I am. It’s NOT just Obama. I’ve been saying THAT for months now. I’m ticked at ALL of them!
ReplyDeleteGood for you for helping your friend! See, even if you don’t agree with someone’s political views, you can STILL be friends. But let me ask you this, do you tell your buddy he’s a deluded fool? I think I already know the answer, but I want you to answer so everyone else can see it, too. If you don’t mind, of course.
Shaw: I’m not saying that Bush didn’t “use” the television to push his agendas. They ALL do it. It just “seems” like Obama is constantly on TV, or maybe I’m just more involved now than I was 8 years ago or even 4 years ago. I probably am. And 4 years from now I’ll probably be even more informed, with any luck at all. I’d hate to think I’d be the “same” person tomorrow as I am today—hopefully everyone strives to grow, learn and improve!
ReplyDeleteI didn’t think YOU would have a problem with the “service day” being Sept 12th. Truly, would anyone? Personally, I’m not sure those who signed this bill really thought it through enough. They even used the terms “after” and “aftermath”, so one would surmise that Sept. 12th would be the appropriate day. Maybe if enough people wrote to Congress, it could be changed to the 12th.
Tao: Sorry, I thought it was your quote. Regardless, my comment still stands.
ReplyDeleteSo, if we drilled here, we’d still have high gasoline prices, right? Because they could sit on the oil and drive the prices up, just like the cotton people. That’s not right. Aren’t there laws against that kind of stuff? Or are THEY the ones who line the politicians’ pockets?
I hear what you’re saying about voting “None of the Above”. But how do we get Americans united? I understand that it’s really not Democrats vs. Republicans but Us vs. Congress. But HOW do we get averages Americans to SEE the truth of THAT? You see what happens here in the blogosphere? It’s Liberals vs. Conservatives. We can barely have civil discourse HERE let alone in the country. How do we get a grassroots movement where all, or even most, Americans unite against Congress?
You are correct Pam, in Truth101's eyes, everyone that don't agree with his sick point of view is a deluded fool?
ReplyDeleteGood in the mirror YOU DELUDED FOOL!
ReplyDeleteWe have a two party political debate; so that means we have to pick a side and thus when we debate we are either FOR or AGAINST and that means one party over the other.
Take healthcare, ALL of us want healthcare reform, yet none of us ever state what we want to reform! Liberals would be all for tort reform if they believed it would save us money: but tort reform is just one little point in one big problem. What if we made everyone carry coverage, prove eligibility (CITIZENSHIP), and if private healthcare was not available or not affordable then folks could buy into MEDICARE? Well insurance companies know they cannot compete price wise with medicare. But they should because everyone knows that anything the government does is more expensive and less efficient! Young folks don't want insurance but again alot of our current problems in medicine could be cheaper to treat if the pateient had had healthcare at a younger age.
But we do not write our own letters to our congress critters we send chain letters from these organizations that pop up all the time...that makes these organizations powerful and not us.
Until we learn to speak with our own voice rather than constantly mimic party lines then we are doomed to be irrelevant in our political system.
I used to try to write intelligent, middle of the road posts but after a couple of months of all this reactionary right stupidity I just gave up and started attacking stupidity whereever I find it...
The whole debate is nothing more than politics as usual....and conservatives want power and the liberals are fighting to keep power...yet when either side has power we the people get screwed but as long as we have a two party system thats the way it is going to be...
So, NONE OF THE ABOVE works for me!
This is what I said:
ReplyDelete"Are we to remember this day for what it was - the terrible crushing of our nation's psychological & physical security? Or will we chuck all that, blur the very real peril we face & sing Kumbayah (as we sign onto the 'pledge' to be of service to our President, BHO)."
In context, I was speaking to BHO's attempt to obscure the true meaning of any kind of observance of this day by drawing attention AWAY from what actually happened. It's how revisionist history is written...
Debbie made an excellent point @ my blog BHO's motive for doing this. I hope she'll come here & say it too.
Pamela: we call each other every name in the book. And if he calls tonight and asks me to bring the Jeep and pull the trailer of tables back where they came from I'd help him again. He's one of my best friends even if he is a blind, right wing fool. WMZ he told me. Best stock I ever bought.
ReplyDeleteBack to your post. To villify a day of service is as ridiculous as villifying a speech telling our kids to work hard. Stay in school and listen to your teachers and parents. There is no reason to be outraged over this. If President Obama asked everyone to help an old lady across the street the usual gang of righties would find an excuse to rage about that also.
Hi Pam, I had posted this on Susannah's blog and she asked me to post it on your blog as well. I guess that she liked it... So here goes.
Admittedly the timing and the place were inappropriate.
The fact is, like it or not. Rep Wilson "stood" in front of all his colleagues, a good portion of the American people and God and spoke his mind. We could all benefit from doing the same.
The president is dishonest when stating there will be no funding for illegals. The bill does not preclude funding.
I'm telling you in a direct way that the president is not honest about this bill.
On another note:
A National Day Of Service – what else should we expect from a president that delivered such a pandering Ramadan message, while failing to acknowledge Christian and Jewish holidays. Let’s bury the meaning of 9/11 as quickly as possible as it conflicts with his Islam sympathizing, agenda.
TAO said.."I used to try to write intelligent, middle of the road posts but after a couple of months of all this reactionary right stupidity I just gave up and started attacking stupidity whereever I find it.."
ReplyDeleteAre you for real?
You are the one that called everyone a racist etc, you are the one that attacked everyone. so stop playing the victim. And stop lying and stop crying.
"Rep Wilson "stood" in front of all his colleagues, a good portion of the American people and God and spoke his mind."
ReplyDeleteLets see, he was slouched down in a back row and figured he could smart off and not get caught...
Then he immediately ran off and apologized...
If that is STANDING for anything I would say it was for stupid adolescent gimmicks because no one would confuse that with STANDING for princples except maybe the sore losers on the right...
Then a poll shows that 67% of Americans who saw the Presidents speech now support his healthcare reform plan....that pretty much refutes the whole idea that Wilson served any purpose other than prove, after all the other antics from the right, that Americans are paying you and yours no heed...
Thats why this CONSERVATIVE is getting as far away as he can from you and your kind....
Tao: You really don’t believe tort reform would help save us money? But if nothing else, shouldn’t we stop these bogus law suits? Hot coffee between your legs is NOT worth millions of dollars! I mean come on. There are some things that are just common sense. So, even IF tort reform doesn’t save us tons of money, at least the very least it would un-clog our legal system!
ReplyDeleteI agree that we have to pick a side. It’s stupid, as far as I’m concerned. I’ve always hated that. I just wish someone could stand up there and say “Here’s what I believe blah, blah and blah. Vote for me and I’ll do blah, blah and blah.” But we have “parties” which, I think, keeps us divided. It keeps us Americans fighting amongst ourselves then we aren’t paying attention to what Congress is REALLY doing. And they are the ones who are sticking it to US! I don’t think they are fighting at all, if you want my opinion. They ACT like they are, but in reality, they aren’t. They are doing exactly what they want and getting re-elected time and time again.
Yes, we need to write our OWN letters and MEAN them. I’m not for following others. Never have been. I’m not a sheep. If I’m going to do something, I do it. Not because someone tells me to. I guess I’m a rebel at heart. I’m a leader. Guess that’s why I was always in management. I hate bosses. (Most of them were always stupid, anyway) Yes, we need to use our OWN voices. But again, HOW do we get people to do that! How do we break the political machines and make the individuals stronger? People don’t realize how strong THEY really are. And that’s the problem. How many times have you heard, “My vote doesn’t matter, I’m just one person.”?? I’ve heard that more times than I can count.
Yes, politicians want power. And they have it, now don’t they. And WE gave it to them! It doesn’t matter that the Dems have the house and senate, because they are all in the same bed. The D and R means nothing to me anymore. They are all the same. They care about themselves and their next election and I’m sick of the whole lot of them.
Susannah: I was NOT being disrespectful to you or your post. Please don’t think that. It’s just that I personally went through hell after 9/11. I literally lived in fear for months. I kid you not. It’s a long story, so I’ll email you with the sordid details as I don’t want to get off topic. If anyone else wants my 9/11 story, just let me know. I have nothing to hide; I just don’t want to get off topic.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your comment about “obscuring” Sept 11th with something else. Like I said in my post, it should NOT be over-shadowed by anything else; it should NOT be diminished. It is a solitary day for remembrance.
Truth: No, if Obama asked me to help an old lady cross the street, I would help her. Although, he wouldn’t have to ask me, because I already do that. I grew up with a father that helped old ladies cross the street more times than I can count.
ReplyDeleteIt’s NOT the asking of service, Truth, it’s the day he’s asked for this service to take place. I have NO problem with a “day of service”, really. But does this “day of service” have to be on a sacred day such as Sept 11th when we lost so many Americans? That is where my discontent truly lies. The authentic day of community unity and volunteerism was Sept 12th and beyond. That is the point of my post.
I have NO doubt that you and your buddy are very close and you would help him with anything. I’m sorry if you think I was making light of it or your loyalty. That was NOT my intention. I just wanted to prove to some on the Right that you DO have friends on the Right, as I have friends on the Left, and it’s very possible to have these alliances and STILL be close and one CAN also say “you are deluded” and STILL remain close.
ReplyDeleteHoney, in case you do not read the comments on your own blog you my dear are a very special person and quite the oddity for a conservative!
Now, I don't know about you but 9/11 reminded me that all of us are bound to each other. That is why I have no problem with the concept of National Service Day. Those people made the ultimate sacrifice, and they were innocent and unaware....
A National Service Day would remind each and everyone of us that we are part of our community, our state, and this nation...
Sometimes we tend to forget that we are more than just 'conservatives' or 'liberals' and maybe a National Service Day would remind us that a Nation is about getting involved.
On 9/11 we were a Nation and a family....a family where each and everyone of us lost a loved one in the carnage...because they were citizens.
Hey Debbie! Thanks for adding your comment! The part that I thought was particularly relevant was that last sentence (since we aren't talking about Joe Wilson here). You're right - I DID like it!
ReplyDeleteLet me see if I can clarify...
TAO says, "...9/11 reminded me that all of us are bound to each other. That is why I have no problem with the concept of National Service Day...A National Service Day would remind each and everyone of us that we are part of our community, our state, and this nation..."
I don't really think anyone's disputing that. It's what I was trying to say to Shaw; oh-so-many-comments ago. The trouble is not THAT he designated a Day of Service (or a school speech), it's HOW he handled it - squarely on 9-11. His history & those by whom he informs himself(commies/socialists) & his administration raise suspicions. Rightly so.
Here's what I said, "had it not been for BHO's prior assertions of his 'national service' agenda items, this would not be so offensive. Serving one's neighbor is never wrong...but for the President to obscure a day in which the whole country should be focused on mourning by inserting his 'national service' agenda IS wrong, & disrespectful, & indecent."
Then Debbie said something I hadn't thought of, but per Mr. O's history, associations & behavior since taking office, it fits perfectly, "Let’s bury the meaning of 9/11 as quickly as possible as it conflicts with his Islam sympathizing, agenda."
Ouch. Bravo, Debbie.
ReplyDeleteYou actually have issues with EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that Obama were to do.
In regards to past associations and all of that (nothing more than grasping for straws) lets also not forget that Obama is seriously intent on going after the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks and is increasing troop levels in Afghanistan and he has authorized more drones flown in Pakistan than Bush did...
Troops are still in Iraq, GITMO is still well stocked, and renditions are still occurring...
Those are FACTS...not some hysterically hyped conspiracy theory such as, "Then Debbie said something I hadn't thought of, but per Mr. O's history, associations & behavior since taking office, it fits perfectly, "Let’s bury the meaning of 9/11 as quickly as possible as it conflicts with his Islam sympathizing, agenda."
If he is such an Islam sympathizing agenda president then why is he trying to send more troops to Afghanistan and the liberal congress is against it along with conservative hacks such as George Will?
Its still race...
Well Pamela. We all grieve and find solace in our own ways. I'd rather donate $25 to a charity or cause of a deceased person's choice than send flowers. If that makes me an ass in the eyes of somebody that thinks differently then that's the way it is. If going to a service or staying home and reflecting and remembering makes you or anyone else feel better I encourage they do so.
ReplyDeleteTAO~ Don't let the reality of my words get in the way of your trying to label me racist.
I don't like/admire/acquiesce to your socialist/communist/fascist-in-waiting leader, so you sling around that label (how convenient), so convinced & proud of yourself for finding a way to write me off.
Sorry friend, I'm not spending anymore energy on this by being offended. I know my own truth.
Tao wrote: Now, I don't know about you but 9/11 reminded me that all of us are bound to each other. That is why I have no problem with the concept of National Service Day. Those people made the ultimate sacrifice, and they were innocent and unaware....
ReplyDeleteTao: You are right, we ARE bound together, united as citizens of our great country--feeling great pain that our fellow countrymen died untimely deaths at the hands’ of monsters. I don’t believe I have ever stated otherwise. And again, I don’t have a problem with a National Day of Service; I just have a problem with the day that was chosen.
On 9/11 we were a Nation and a family....a family where each and everyone of us lost a loved one in the carnage...because they were citizens.
Yes, and that is why memorials are SO important. Planting a tree or rebuilding a school, as President and Mrs. Obama have suggested aren’t ways to remember. They are ways to “serve” or “volunteer”. To unite and memorialize the event with specific services, such as the one in Shanksville where people “gathered” and read off the names of the 40 victims of Flight 93 and rang bells after each name, are events that bring people together for one common theme. Those are ways citizens can become unified. They are doing ONE ritual to remember our fallen friends and loved ones. Not dozens of things. If one community plants trees, another cleans up litter, then yet another rebuilds an old school—where is the unity? They are all doing different activities. But if ALL communities join together to memorialize those who died, they are joined together in one common event.
A national day of service is good. But it could be a different day. Then people could get together in their local communities and clean up litter or whatever they feel is necessary for their specific town on another day, not on 9/11.
Truth: I don’t donate flowers either, because they just die. I normally give money, so I ask the family what charity they would like me to donate to on behalf of the deceased. I don’t think that’s being “an ass”. It’s practical, as far as I’m concerned. Now, not everyone feels that way and that’s fine. Everyone has to do what is best for him/her. As you stated, we all grieve in our own way.
ReplyDeleteBut to have a national day of service on a day of "supposed" bereavement; isn't that like someone telling us what we "should" do?
ReplyDeleteI would never write you off with a label....that would be too similar to calling Obama a "Socialist/Commie" which are nothing but labels.
Obama is actually reminding me alot of George Bush: He came to office with alot of expectations from conservatives and ended up with nothing more than two very liberal policies, the prescription drug program (a gift to drug companies) and No Child Left Behind (talk about BIG government) under his belt to show for his time....and he had to depend on Ted Kennedy for both of them...
But anyone who buys the current talking points will miss the similarities...
This isn't about 'service'... there are 364 other days of the year for that.
ReplyDeleteThis is how the left works to make people forget..
Sorry, I'm not buying.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSusannah said...
ReplyDeleteTAO~ Don't let the reality of my words get in the way of your trying to label me racist.
Susannah, this is TAO's game, he does exactly this in every situation.
He is such a Lightweight that he can't measure up So he calls the republicans racists in every post and he thinks that's the way to win a argument.
TAO you are such a loser. Such a clueless idiot. And such a brainless koolaide drinker.
That's the left's favorite tactics when they can't win an argument on logic.
If you don’t like Obama for whatever reason and there are plenty to not like, then you are a RACIST! Well too freakin bad. Call me whatever you want to.. I still can’t stand Obama, or anything that he stands for.
Oh, redneck from Brooklyn,
ReplyDeleteIf you are so brillant then why the long triade against poor little ol' lighweight me?
So, tell me ol' master of the universe and knower of all things...
Exactly what argument is there to win? That somehow eight years of republicans is less ruinous than eight years of democrats?
That does not in anyway change the fact that they both are ruinous.
That healthcare reform is any more about socialism than No Child Left Behind?
That Republicans don't fill their administrations with supporters like Democrats do?
Get real buckwheat...its not liberals vs. conservatives in my world...and as soon as you can potentially sober up and want to discuss particular points of anything then let me know...
Otherwise I would quit being so proud of your own stupidity....its not becoming
When are the Men in the White jackets going to take TAO away?
ReplyDeleteI believe they are knocking on your door RIGHT NOW!
Go ahead, answer it....
I didn't vote for Obama - all of the garbage that is coming out NOW were already known before the election. People chose not to listen. I'm not mad at the people who did vote for him and are now having second thoughts. After 8 years of what they saw as government waste and poor policy - they really thought there would be a change for the better. They allowed themselves to be swept up in the hype about Obama and they made a choice.
ReplyDeleteFor people here to treat them like crap because they voted for Obama and they now see it as a mistake is totally wrong. At least they have the courage to come forward and admit their mistake and to do what they can to fix it - rather than just peeling off thir bumperstickers in the middle of the night and hiding... Give them a break.
While everything that's going on right now is bad and most of us are upset (we have every right and reason to be) - we can thank this president for uniting us (against him) and forcing us to take back our country!
The people you should be mad at are the people who refuse to acknowledge that everything Obama and this administration is doing is bad for America! The media - who can't seem to see the light because their heads are so far up Obama's butt and the Senators who will hear so many people protesting their participation and collusion with this president's agenda that they call the very people who voted for them 'rednecks, Nazis and fakes'...
Think about - instead of attacking people who want to make things better - attack those who refuse to!
"After 8 years of what they saw as government waste and poor policy - they really thought there would be a change for the better. They allowed themselves to be swept up in the hype about Obama and they made a choice."
ReplyDeleteNice sentiment but unfinished, because not everyone believes the last 8 years were a disaster and are in denial.
Then those that believe that Obama is the FIRST President to lie to Congress and the Public and as such want to believe that "You Lie" is some sort of unique patriotic gesture!
Then you have those who believe that with all the Republican speakers and supporters of these Tea Bagging Events that somehow these events are NON PARTISAN and GRASSROOTS...
Looks to me like the American Citizen is in a PICKLE....and so we go off and beat each other over the head for whatever cause it is that we want...
Its called divide and conquer...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHere is an editorial about the National Day of Service AND REMEMBRANCE (funny how the last two words get dropped off the bill when it is convenient to do so...):
ReplyDelete"Out of the ashes of the horrific 9/11 attacks, a positive custom is taking hold.
Since 2002, victims’ family members and friends have joined with community nonprofits, faith-based groups and others to mobilize Americans to mark the anniversary of the attacks with useful volunteer service. Under a provision of the larger national service measure signed in April by President Obama, Friday will be the first 9/11 anniversary to be commemorated as a National Day of Service and Remembrance.
The simple goal, explains David Paine, a co-founder of MyGoodDeed, an important mover behind this initiative, is to pay tribute in a forward-looking way to those lost and injured in the terrorist attacks and to the ongoing sacrifices of members of the armed forces. By joining with those already planning to take all or part of the day to aid their chosen cause or charity, Americans can show their patriotism and help recapture the spirit of community that saw so many people volunteer to help the families who lost loved ones in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 horror.
We find it baffling that some commentators on the right are criticizing this call to service as somehow inappropriate and soft on terrorism. They have it backward. What is truly inappropriate is to suggest that there is something wrong with devoting a day to helping out at a food pantry, working with schoolchildren or other volunteer activity destined to make our nation stronger. Showing the nation’s strength, resilience and unity is the best way to stand up to terrorists of all kinds."
So, outside of the fact that OBAMA signed the bill what are the other issues one could have with this bill?
TAO, I didn't think it was possible, but you have proved that I was wrong.
ReplyDeleteYou really be as stupid as you are.
Well said, Debbie's Choice.
ReplyDeleteA National Day of Service was the dumbest thing he has done to date.
I am so angry with the present administration, I would not even lower myself to bend over and pick up a piece of paper from the ground for him.
ReplyDeleteSecond thought, Joe Wilson has apologized and owes no more. I think it would be a great idea for everyone who could to send $5.00 or more to his re-election campaign. We cannot afford to lose him.
… in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 horror.
ReplyDeleteTao: Again the word “aftermath” is used; which AGAIN, proves MY point. The AFTERMATH; meaning something that “results from”; which would be the day AFTER Sept. 11th.
We find it baffling that some commentators on the right are criticizing this call to service as somehow inappropriate and soft on terrorism. They have it backward. What is truly inappropriate is to suggest that there is something wrong with devoting a day to helping out at a food pantry, working with schoolchildren or other volunteer activity destined to make our nation stronger. Showing the nation’s strength, resilience and unity is the best way to stand up to terrorists of all kinds."
Nowhere in my post did I EVER say this day of “service and remembrance” made us soft on terrorism. Nowhere did I say it was WRONG to volunteer. I have adamantly stated that I am a proponent of volunteering and assisting my fellow Americans. My only qualm is the day in which this ritual is taking place.
So, outside of the fact that OBAMA signed the bill what are the other issues one could have with this bill?
I don't believe I ever said I had a problem because it was "Obama's" bill. Quite the opposite, in fact. I believe I mentioned that this bill had BOTH the support of Democrats AND Republicans. As a matter of fact, I quoted Rep. Peter King in my post, who is a Republican. Which would prove that this is NOT a political matter to ME. It is a moral one. And I will stand by THAT regardless of who runs MyGoodDeed.com, which I DID read, by the way. If I’m not mistaken it’s he and about 20 other families who support Sept. 11th as a GOOD day for this “national day of service and remembrance”. But what about the thousands of other families? Did anyone bother to ask THEM how THEY would FEEL? I don’t believe anyone did.
In my opinion, Congress should've done THAT FIRST.
Anonymous: I think you need to do a little self-reflection; because picking up litter isn’t done for the President, it’s done out of pride and respect for our Country.
ReplyDeleteI did state it was an editorial and it was in quotations...
Other than that, as far as expecting Congress to do something?
Do we really need to go there?
You are pretty big on what a bunch of critters they are and then you are expecting them to do something?
Tao: **Sigh** I know, I’m beating a dead horse. Wanting Congress to do something “right” is like getting blood from a stone. But you can’t blame a girl for “caring” now can you?
ReplyDeleteCaring is fine, I wouldn't be blogging if I didn't care...
But you got to give up the urge to kiss frogs in a desire to find a prince...
Congress is a swamp and those critters are all frogs...there is not a prince in the bunch...
Wait till you see what they do to healthcare reform...then they are going to move on to new regulations for finance and banking...they will get the folks on Wall Street to do that...
Congress Critters are just talking heads for special interests...that is true for each and everyone of them...
I've listened to this President time and time again. While physically attractive and possessing a pleasant speaking pattern, President Obama really doesn't say anything. I've come to the conclusion that he is not very bright. He has clever writers, but what does he really say? Nothing. Even Obama knows he's lying when he says silly things such as: "This isn't about me." EVERYTHING is about Obama.
ReplyDeleteNow Hussein and his fools are hijacking the "remembrance"!
ReplyDeleteThis whole thing disgusts me.
beautiful post girl..God bless!
ReplyDeleteMany of us figured 0bama and Co. for the Chicago thugs/bullies they have thus proven themselves to be.
ReplyDeleteAnyone shocked by this "day of service" thing wasn’t paying attention.
This day will always and ONLY be a day to remember what those evil Terrorist did to our country and our citizens, nothing else.
ReplyDeletePam, just wanted you to know that I used this piece in my post today. I included a link back to here, for readers' faster service. ;)
ReplyDeleteTake care~
As I Said In MY Post!
ReplyDeleteThis Is The Most Asinine Idea The Asinine President Has Had Yet!
He wants September 11th, the day of mourning to become "A day of service"!
This is all part of the liberal/socialist/communist/Obama agenda... Strip us, the USA and God... Strip all in our world of exceptionalism and we become nothing. Easily managed by these evil people who will us to forget the terrorist attack by radical Muslims on our country and fellow Americans and the heroic response by our fellow Americans. I will honor them and their families with prayer and remembrance. No brown shirt for me. No green globalist manure. I will continue to pray for the innocent victims of that tragic day. And I will teach my children to do the same. And the American flag will be posted at sunrise at this house as it is on every holiday.
What will the impostor-in-chief be doing on that day? Will he be going to a golf course to "check the greens"? Will Michelle be helping out at a soup kitchen in her $500 sneakers on that day? Or will they be flying to Paris for a French diner?
So, our dear leader, to commemorate the thousands of deaths caused by terrorists on 9-11, wants me to pick up trash???
This isn't about 'service'... there are 364 other days of the year for that.
If Obama had his way, 9 11 would be forgotten. , if you were to look for anything about the attacks from the current administration and the state run media, that nothing of significance happened on 9/11/2001, no pictures of the buildings on fire, no pictures of the poor people jumping to their deaths. No rage, no nothing...
ReplyDeleteIs it just a coincidence that Democrats and Liberals make no mention of America's greatest tragedy that the USA suffered since Pearl Harbor?
Have they forgotten already? Or do they just want to sweep it away as they have done time and time again!!!
Their credibility (if they ever had any) is gone.
We must continue to remember and pray for the families of these victims who relive this tragedy each year. And NOT turn this into a "day of service" There are 364 other days to do that.
Please don't let this happen. I, for one, will never forget 9/11/01. May God continue to bless the families and souls that lost their lives and loved ones on that horrible day.
Truly a ridiculous legislative of highly despicable proportions.I lost people I grew up with that day, and will never do any service on that day except remember and make sure everyone else around me never forgets. I did a 9/11 tribute on my blog from present Ground Zero if you are interested. Great post, and God Bless.
ReplyDeleteAnd God Bless YOU, King of New York Hacks for that post.
ReplyDeleteAlso the 9/11 conspirators are charged with murder if found guilty they should be HANGED!
I have just rean your comments on another blot that happens to be a LIBERAL blog and I must ask you a question.
ReplyDeleteYou seem to be a VERY smart and savy person, but why do you suck up to these libs?
No, there is nothing wrong with being nice, but it's another thing to suck up to people that you know are wrong just to be friends wth them.
They would never do that you a republican, you can bet on it.
Anonymous: I’m not sure what comments you’ve read of mine, so I will assume you’ve read one or two where I agreed with a Liberal point of view. Why you refer to that as “sucking up” is beyond me; unless you have a mindset where you equate “agreeing” to “sucking up”. Also, I don’t think you even considered the fact that I WANT to be friends with some of these Liberals; therefore I don’t have to “suck up”— not that I would in any event, because I don’t “suck up” to anyone; never have and never will. I behave civilly, regardless of relationship status, and wish everyone would conduct themselves in the same manner. And if THAT is “sucking up” then I don’t know what to tell you, because I won’t change for anyone. I am who I am and I’m proud of myself.
ReplyDelete"I've listened to this President time and time again...I've come to the conclusion that he is not very bright. He has clever writers, but what does he really say? Nothing...EVERYTHING is about Obama."
ReplyDeleteKyle! Why, didn't you listen to BHO's speech to the UN this week? Didn't you know that HE has changed the course of the world in less than 9 months? After the decades of treachery committed against the poor citizens of the world by the American Gov't, HE has come to save the day!!
Whatever would make you think that it's all about Obama??
*Psha* Maybe people like Shaw & TAO are right, maybe he is a Citizen of the World, a humble World Servant, after all...
(Now, excuse me while I go loose my very expensive date-night dinner...
Oh no, not as expensive as BHO & Michelle's, but you know...)
I will never forget and I don't need this administration wanting to get a hand in that too. Obama wants to fundamentally change this country but he can keep his hands off September 11th, thank you very much!