***Please Read***

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It’s MY Blog

When I wanted to blog, I first did some research. I began reading other blogs. I read all types—Cooking blogs, Style blogs, Humor and Gay blogs. I found that I was most interested in Political blogs. The Political blogs I liked the best were the ones that had both Conservative AND Liberal commenters. I enjoyed reading the viewpoints of both political persuasions. It gave me an insight to the topic at hand that I might not have had had only one political opinion been available. These particular blogs also had respectful followers. There wasn’t any name-calling, insults or degradation. I found these blog very refreshing and I really enjoyed them.

I think I also connected to this type of blog because it reminded me of the way I conversed in real life. I have co-workers, friends and family members who have Liberal views. (My Godmother, whom I love very much, voted for Obama.) I talk with these people about politics on a regular basis, but we NEVER get hostile, we NEVER fight or offend one another—heck, we don’t even raise our voices!

One day at work, I was having a discussion with a Democrat co-worker about former President Jimmy Carter. This co-worker said to me, “You are the only Republican who has ever been respectful of my opinion.” I was speechless! How could THAT be? How could other Republicans be ignorant to her just because her views are different?

I pondered that and decided when I began my blog it would be civil and respectful. Everyone—Conservatives, Independents AND Liberals would be welcome. They would all be able to express themselves, as long as they were courteous to one another. With my mind made up, I started my blog. I was so excited! It took a long time for me to get any comments, or followers for that matter, let alone any Liberals, but one day it happened!

My first Liberal was a tad sarcastic and I had to set him straight, but I did it politely. He apologized immediately and has been respectful ever since. After he began following me a few others started to follow, then a couple more. In turn, I began to visit their blogs and started leaving comments on their sites. I can honestly say that I have had only one problem since I began blogging. ONE. And that was partially my fault.

I am not the only person that visits these Liberal blogs, either. There are other Conservatives and they are treated just as respectfully as me. I believe the reason we are treated with consideration is because we treat the blog owners and the followers with respect. We don’t go to these blogs with aggression or in attack mode. We state our opinion in a polite manner and we are acknowledged the same way. I know this because I have read many comments by other Conservatives and I can see where the Conservative has provoked the author or one of the other commenters but then tries to say it’s the Liberal’s fault. I think that is quite unfair and I don’t like that type of behavior. If a person is attacked, then that person has every right to defend him or herself, but to provoke the person and then blame the person whom you provoked…that’s just wrong. It makes me disheartened to see this type of behavior.

I’m a Conservative and I love my blog. I also like to visit other blogs, which includes Liberal blogs. I will continue to do this because it’s what I like to do and I DO what makes ME happy. I am very strong in my values and beliefs so I have no fear that someone is going to “brainwash” me or “skew my perspective”. Actually something really good has happened since I began blogging! I’ve met a lot of really great people and it makes me happy that I created my blog. But as everyone who has a blog knows, it takes time to maintain it. There are those of us who think of our blogs as our “babies”. We develop it, look after it and watch it grow. It’s our creation and we’re proud of it. So, when someone pollutes it, we take it personally. I’ve taken it personally when some people have disrespected my requests to be courteous. I feel it’s an affront to me. This is my special place…where I can spew my sentiments ‘til my heart’s content, and I would like for my readers, followers and commenters to respect that my blog is an avenue for me to express myself and it’s also a pathway for others to express themselves, BUT they MUST be polite, regardless of the topic or political persuasion.

Which brings me to my rules. They are posted at the top of my blog, but have been grossly ignored. I’m partially to blame for this. I should’ve been more strict with them, but I felt everyone had the “right” to “express” themselves. And, in a way, they do. However, just as I invite Conservatives, Liberals and Democrats to sit at my kitchen table, I would NOT hesitate to toss them out on their butt if they insulted me or one of my other guests. So, beginning with this post, my first for 2010, I will NOT hesitate to delete if:

You ATTACK me or one of my readers/followers

You get OFF topic


Because I’m having a bad day and YOU get on my nerves

Please familiarize yourself with my rules because they are not open for discussion and I will not explain if I delete you; apologize if I delete you; argue because I delete you. The rules are the rules. I don’t argue with my kids about the rules, so, since that’s the way I live in real life, and that’s how I want to run my blog, that’s what I am doing. Period.

I would like for my readers and followers to understand and accept that I am an independent woman who will do what’s in my heart. But for those who can’t, I will obviously understand and accept their decision to move on. And for those who feel the need to move on, I want to thank you for your contribution to my blog and I wish you every happiness and success that life has to offer.

For everyone who wants to follow the rules and engage in civil, courteous discourse—WELCOME! I hope 2010 is a wonderful year for all of us!


  1. Hi Pamela,
    I saw some of your posts over at Truth101 and thought I'd say hello.

    I'm a liberal who enjoys debating the issues with conservatives. I'm not well educated formally, but have worn out several library cards over the past few years!

    So I like to respond to things I disagree with but try to have an open mind. I say "try" because there are certain beliefs that i KNOW are right, while deep down must acknowledge that the other side also KNOW's they're right !

    Hope that makes sense and hope this is a happy new year for you.

  2. Good luck Pam....and its good to see you back in the saddle again!

    Ride the herd hard!

  3. There are some “comments” in this blog as well as in your previous blog from people who are so fast to call the other-side names for what they might have written here, but these are the VERY SAME people that attack the other side (MY SIDE) so viciously. I thought better than to name “names”, but you don’t have to go any further than to Trouth101's blog to see them. He happens to be the first person to instigate a quarrel. And to stir up trouble, and his blog seems to influence his readers to do the same. Is there really a need for profanities or foul language unless it is contained in a necessary quote or is relevant to the comment? No, yet almost everyone of his blogs contain this. Yet he comes here on his “high horse’ pretending to be the savior and the peace maker. Well, I’m sorry, but I just ain’t buying that. He provokes anger towards the “right” merely by the titles and the subject of his blogs. And the despicable things he says about republicans, be they us posters or the republican talk-show hosts, or the republican party in general.
    No to get to the nitty gritty of this subject.
    For what it’s worth, and this is MY opinion on this matter of your posting on the liberals blogs.
    I personally think that this matter is entirely misunderstood, by that I mean, is I really don’t think that these people were “attacking” you. I think they were angry at the fact you were going to be representing the thoughts and ideas of the very same people that have been so vicious to our party. The were and are angry at the bloggers and the posters that are represented over there. And they didn’t want to see you influenced by their philosophy. And they were afraid that they would have a negative impact on you. For example, if you follow the links of the people that DO post there you will find the most insulting, incendiary, radical, troublemakers in the blogisphere.. And we didn’t to see you being any part of them. So in closing, I thing that there people here that were your friends in the past, are till your friends, don’t get them wrong. And don’t blame them for being upset. Yes, this is your blog and your home and you have every right to do as you please, but please do not disappoint the ones that love you. I myself tried to comment over there, and I was not treated as I would have expected to be. If you look at the previous blog you will find a comment from Truth stating that he wonders why I stopped posted there. Well now he knows. If I’m going to spend time posting anywhere, I expect the blogging host and his followers to be a bit respectful of what I say. Or what anyone else may say... Not to criticize their grammar or their spelling and attribute that to their being a republican! Or their crude remarks.. As I found of some of the links I followed from Truth101’s blog.
    My latest blog was called
    “A Lesson To Dummies.”
    And to some respect, it may even be applied right here. It started this way:
    ”Believe it or not, but there is this really old document called the US Constitution. It's old but it's also been updated from time to time over the years. With respect to moral principles and they have an abysmal understanding of personal principles.

    At the time it was written, there were these people called Americans. They had recently fought a war of independence.”

  4. Pam - Great post and you explained yourself perfectly well. I for one see no reason why anyone would fail to understand your well made points.

    It really boils down to a matter of respect. Debate and differences of opinion are in fact good and need to be aired openly. In a dignified and respectful manner. When done so in any other way there is little hope for ever finding solutions to problems.

  5. Pam - I hope if I get out of line or off topic you will immediately delete me! I would deserve it!
    I see from the comments before me that already the hard of reading are jumping right in.
    I think any discussion of Truth's posts or (O)CT(O)PUS' post should be taken up ON THEIR BLOGS.
    Since this is PAM'S BLOG it seems reasonable for her to want to discuss ONLY what she posts.
    This drawing a line between conservative and liberal is simplistic and silly.
    Fact is most people don't really fit into one or the other exclusively.
    While I tend to lean to the left on things like human rights, I also tend to lean to the right on other issues. I am an American who loves being so. I love my country and I'm trying really hard to love ALL my fellow Americans but when some of them degenerate into nastiness and name calling, it is really difficult.
    While I don't always agree with your views, I do find opposing views, when presented in a coherent, well researched manner, enlightening and worthy of intelligent debate.
    So, Pam, I plan to respect your policy and look forward to another year of great discussions!

  6. Dear Pam, I must agree with what Rockync said...It's YOUR blog and I intend to honor your wishes as well. I agree, we should not be coming here to criticize, condemn or complain anyone or anyone else’s blog.
    Thank you for your blog and for sharing it with us.
    Best of luck and Happy New Year to you and yours.

  7. I find it interesting that there are still gutless people who attack your blog and insult what they call right wing extremists even after you posted this.

    This blog seems to be a lightning rod for both sides to strike. Most on both sides do so mercilessly and without regard to your rules for posting. I've been guilty of it a few times, but so have most of the others posting here. I think the majority of us have gotten past this either through understanding, or in some cases, avoidance.

    Good to see you back dear.

  8. Hi Pamela, I hope to be able to come here and comment with civility just like you do on my blog. I think if someone were to come here and disagree with another bloggers comment then the argument can continue at THEIR blogs. I am a liberal and say some savory things on my blog about rightwingers, but I won't come to your blog and spew hateful words, thats just disrespectful. It's too bad the professor had to bring up Truth, let sleeping dogs lie and take your fight to his blog. Both sides say things about each others party ON THEIR OWN BLOGS, nobody here is a saint.

    Good luck to you and have fun this year, it's gonna be a whirlwind!

  9. Sue said...
    Hi Pamela, I hope to be able to come here and comment with civility.

    I won't come to your blog and spew hateful words, thats just disrespectful. It's too bad the professor had to bring up Truth, let sleeping dogs lie and take your fight to his blog.

    Ah Yes, another White as Snow Hypocritical Liberal.
    Who WON'T talk about others but who chose to talk about ME!.

    Pam, may I suggest that you start a new blog and call it "The Complaint Department"

  10. Professor: I’m currently working on my comments to everyone here. But real quick, YOU brought Truth up FIRST! May I suggest you stop while you are ahead.

    I feel like I have about one nerve left right about now.

  11. An idea for what its worth:

    Perhaps if we turned partisan debates into research exercises, the language would change and things might go more smoothly.

    Example: Someone makes a claim that you think is wrong or not quite accurate. Rather than call this person a "liar" or "stupid," go to google or wiki and look for contrary evidence (along with links and attributions).

    Then say: "Here is another perspective." Or perhaps: "This source seems to contradict your viewpoint." Thus, you can turn arguments into learning experiences.

    Disagreements over facts and interpretations would then take place on higher ground because you are attacking the premiss, not the person.

    A few more quick points:

    No stereotyping: Don't blame every conservative or liberal for the bad behavior of a previous encounter. Treat each encounter as a new one without holding a grudge.

    and ...

    Stop endless merry-go-round behavior, and the juvenile sandbox logic of: You started it first.

    If I think of other examples, I'll be back.

  12. In honor of Octopus I will not respond to the Professor of Life. Man it was a funny one though. Pamela would have deleted it and rightfully so.
    But still, maybe we could all relax a bit. I can take being called a pinko if it's done creatively.

  13. saying your name professor is not "talking about you". If I have more to say it will be on your blog.

  14. Got nothin' to say on this post... (I had a comment or two, but between Pam & Octo, t'was all already said.)

    Hope I can get in quicker on the next one...

    Oh, & Truth is a creative pinko. nuff said. 8>)

  15. Oso: Hi and welcome! Do not sell yourself short! I’ve read your comments at Truth’s and you hold your own very well! Yes, I understand EXACTLY what you mean about “knowing” you’re “right”. That’s why I don’t criticize someone else’s views, because they REALLY believe them. Who am I to tell someone they are wrong? Opinions, perspectives, views…we ALL have them, and we all believe ours to be the “right” one…but really, who IS right?

    Tao: Thank you! It’s good to be back. Today was interesting –my delete button got a work out!

    Rational: Thank you and I’m glad you’re here. I think you and I are going to get along famously. We think a lot alike.

    Rocky: Hi! Welcome aboard! You brought up a very good point. I don’t fit squarely into the Conservative box. That’s why I don’t like labels. I have a lot of Conservative values, but I also have some Liberal ones, and then I have some that don’t fit anywhere at all! I think when we box ourselves in we don’t give ourselves any room to grow or explore. I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t want to be stagnant. I want to learn and grow. I’ve grown and evolved a lot over the last 5 years and I hope I do a lot more in the next 5 years!

    And yes, dear Rocky, IF you get out of line, I’ll delete you, but somehow I don’t think I’ll have that problem!

  16. Mal: Thank you very much. THAT means so much to me. I enjoy sharing my thoughts with you and everyone else. I hope you’ll still visit and contribute. You have a lot to say and are a good strong voice for Conservatives. I’ll visit your blog either way.

    Blue: Hi! Nice to see you! Yeah, you did throw a few jabs here and there, BUT you stopped when I asked. THAT’S the difference. No matter how many times I’ve asked, some of them won’t stop. I don’t want to be the “lightening rod” anymore. Life’s too short.

    Sue: I’m glad you came back. You WILL be able to come here and comment without fear of being attacked. NO ONE will be attacked here ever again. I’m sorry it happened to you the first time you visited. And you’re right, the disagreements can be taken up on the blog the person has the issue with. My blog is MY domain and not a venue to spew about someone else. That’s just plain rude and HERE we use our manners or we aren’t allowed to play.

  17. Pam- I see you used your trash can to rid this blog of trollish comments and I'll respect your choice to leave the Professor's inflammatory drivel intact. :)
    bluepitbull - I think that horrible post by a "liberal" which has now been deleted was actually posted by one of the right wingnuts who were frustrated by we "liberals" lack of engagement to their rude comments.
    That is not to say that there are not left wingnuts bent on causing disruption and chaos at right leaning blogs. I have no patience for either type of troll. There is no excuse for going to someone else's blog and behaving badly.
    And sometimes there are misunderstandings as we struggle to understand each others' viewpoints.
    I have been guilty of a little snark now and then, but I do try to keep it to a minimum.
    I think we lose a critical factor by not being face to face, listening to each other's voices and inflections. We need to find a way to compensate for the lack of human contact.
    I'm happy to see the faces of these bloggers who have decided to use a photo as a gravatar and I think I'll change mine for now in the spirit of rekindling our common humanity.
    So Pam, if you boot me off, you'll have to do it looking at my smiling, innocent face!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. POL, in reply to his comment "But of course, a REAL Liberal would NEVER EVER think of posting rude comments. Would they!!!! If you think that's true, take a look at what that THING called "Grung_e_Gene has been spewing all over my blog."

    Rocky ALSO said "That is not to say that there are not left wingnuts bent on causing disruption and chaos at right leaning blogs. I have no patience for either type of troll. There is no excuse for going to someone else's blog and behaving badly."

    Obviously, you failed to see it. As for the person on your blog, well, that's your blog, isn't it, and Grung_e_Gene isn't a factor here... unless you choose to make him one, of course. Grung_e might well be one of those trolls Rocky already referred to. Yes, there are left and right wing perps, just as there are left and right wing victims. And just as Pam is mistress of her blog here, you are lord and master of yours... Belittle 'em, delete 'em, or ignore 'em... whatever floats your boat. (Though if I may be so bold, complaining about 'em here (or at any other blog aside your own) isn't going to do much good for you, Grung_e, or anyone else... 'nuff said.)

  20. repsac3 said...
    Obviously, you failed to see it. As for the person on your blog, well, that's your blog, isn't it, and Grung_e_Gene isn't a factor here... unless you choose to make him one, of course. Grung_e might well be one of those trolls

    LOOK, repsac3..
    I deleted that comment because of spreading more dirt and polluting Pam's blog about things that do not obtain to her.
    So why are YOU bringing this up now?
    Why are YOU prolonging this?
    Why don't you just lighten up and let it go?

  21. NO, it's NOT 'nuff said.

    It would have been 'nuff said if you didn't post what you did!

  22. Professor: I was about to address your comment, but I noticed you deleted it, thank you. I don't think Respac realized that you did delete it. And I'm sure nothing else will be said about the issue.

  23. Truth: Mr. Things That “P” Me Off has been deleted, twice in fact. If he can comment without using words like “retard” and “psychotic” and remove phrases such as “pardon the expression” (he’ll know), then I’ll permit his comment.

    I did warn everyone about “getting on my nerves”.

    Rocky: I think my delete button has been used more today than during my entire time blogging! But that’s a pity, because it just shows that there are STILL people who refuse to follow my rules. **sigh**

    I changed my profile picture because I’ve always stressed that I’m a REAL person behind the computer screen. And I’m always harping about how I act in the blogosphere as I act in real life, so I thought putting “my face” out there might prove a point.

  24. Pamela D. Hart said...

    Professor: I was about to address your comment, but I noticed you deleted it, thank you. I don't think Respac realized that you did delete it. And I'm sure nothing else will be said about the issue.

    I intentionally deleted a minute after I hit the Publish button, because I thought that it shouldn't be "here".
    I didn't want to bring anything here that didn't pertain to you.

  25. And I for one will be dropping this subject Pam. I think it's been done and over done a long time ago.
    All My best wishes to you.

  26. "I changed my profile picture because I’ve always stressed that I’m a REAL person behind the computer screen. And I’m always harping about how I act in the blogosphere as I act in real life, so I thought putting “my face” out there might prove a point."

    It was the example of you and Shaw that mademe realize I too should put a face to my name. I am an outspoken person and always stand by my convictions and so have decided to follow ya'll.
    So, here I am!

  27. Professor: I appreciate that you deleted it, thank you. And thank you for the well wishes; I wish you the best also.

    Rocky: How great! Maybe we’ll start a trend! I think it’s kind of neat to see “real” people rather than computer images. Shaw’s the one who started it, so we have to give her the credit.

  28. bluepitbull - I think that horrible post by a "liberal" which has now been deleted was actually posted by one of the right wingnuts who were frustrated by we "liberals" lack of engagement to their rude comments.

    Trust me, your side are as guilty as anyone.

    That is not to say that there are not left wingnuts bent on causing disruption and chaos at right leaning blogs. I have no patience for either type of troll. There is no excuse for going to someone else's blog and behaving badly.


  29. Pam, your surmised sequence was correct. The comment to which I was replying was there when I started writing my reply to it, and with all respect due POL's subsequent comments, I fail to see why he holds me responsible for not foreseeing his decision to remove his words. I could only read the comment that was posted; not his mind.

    While I'm not in the habit of deleting the things I say--while I can see the value of attaching one's face/real name (or nom de keyboard, at least) to their words, it is the words themselves that create the most accurate picture of who a person really is, in my humble opinion--I will do so on this occasion if our hostess requests it of me... (with the caveat that I retain the right to post those same words and a description of the events leading up to my posting them on a blog of my own, if I so choose.)

    The downside of eliciting comment from folks who disagree is that the folks you get comment from will disagree... Still, it's a worthwhile endeavor, and as I said at the previous post, I admire those who are open to allowing everyone their say (within the limits of good behavior, of course...)

  30. repsac3 said...
    Pam, your surmised sequence was correct. The comment to which I was replying was there when I started writing my reply to it, and with all respect due POL's subsequent comments, I fail to see why he holds me responsible for not foreseeing his decision to remove his words. I could only read the comment that was posted; not his mind.

    Look, I told Pam that I deleted my remark because I wished to adhere to her wishes and NOT to prolong this stupid subject as it only causes pain to Pam.

    BUT if you wish to then the hell with it, I will stand by my statement... .

    Yes, I have no patience for either type of troll either. There is no excuse for going to someone else's blog and behaving badly, and spewing their hateful, vicious comments or by acting like the psycho's. And yes, I find them on MY blog by leftwingers !
    If that makes you happy, then I'm happy as well.

  31. Forgive me if I misunderstood, POL, but it seemed to me that your comment (currently deleted) was in reply to RockyNC pointing out that another deleted "less-than-polite" comment that was attributed to "liberals" was actually penned by someone from the right side of the aisle, and suggested that Rocky was saying something she never even implied; that there are no liberals who similarly behave badly.

    In point of fact--and as I pointed out in my comment in reply--Rocky actually said the opposite, admitting that some liberals do also misbehave. As such, your comment and "proof" of something that we all agree we all already knew --some liberals and some conservatives misbehave on blogs with which they disagree (& sometimes on blogs with which they ostensibly agree, as well)-- was unnecessary, both when you said it the first time, and your repetition of that same sentiment in your latest (January 8, 2010 8:49 AM) comment.

    I can appreciate that you didn't believe your comment had any place here and that you, for one, was going to drop the subject--though it begs the question of why you backpedaled and began addressing it again; my early morning comment didn't dispute what you'd said... Rather, I simply questioned why you thought I should've known you were going to delete it before you did so.--but I'm not so sure I agree... I do think that Pam's post lends itself directly to discussions of how "the left" and "the right" (and especially, individual people who group themselves or are grouped by others into those labels) view & act toward one another. While I didn't agree with what you said, I did think it was on topic and did pertain to what Pam had posted...

    No, I'm not particularly happy when anyone has to put up with foul mannered people on their blog, but yeah, I guess I am satisfied that we all seem to agree that trolls come in all flavors along the political spectrum, and are not exclusively a product of those of the "other" political persuasion (whoever "they" may be). I find it "eilifyin'"

    Word Verification Word: eilifyin - like edifyin', I'd think...

  32. Dear Reverend: Thank you for the compliment. A “dirty” old man! LOL! THAT thought never crossed my mind! You’ve been way too kind to me to ever think that. I want to thank you for the emails you’ve been sending, some are really cute/funny and some very inspiring.

    I don’t like to delete comments, but I agree, the foul-mouthed comments are distasteful and I won’t tolerate them. I don’t like comment moderation either, but it’s always an option if people continue to disregard my rules.

    Blue: I’ve always said that BOTH sides are guilty and I believe anyone mature and honest enough will admit it.

    Respac: I have a habit of reading from my emails not my comment section, so I wasn’t aware that the Professor had deleted it either. I think I need to read from the comment section from now on. The Professor did the RIGHT thing! And I’m very pleased with his noble actions.

    I’d like for the topic to be dropped now. I believe all of us can agree that there are extremists on both sides; ignorant people come from all walks of life; neither party is innocent; and let’s face it, no matter how hard we try to maintain civility there will always be those who are just plain rude, so we’ll have to toss them out into cyberspace.

  33. repsac3 said...
    I can appreciate that you didn't believe your comment had any place here and that you, for one, was going to drop the subject--though it begs the question of why you backpedaled and began addressing it again; my early morning comment didn't dispute what you'd said.
    If you really, REALLY do then you will also understand my not answering this comment as well.
    An my dropping this entire foolish subject.
    If you are so hellbent on my reply,
    I'll tell you why. My response was to bluepitbull's comment, and not at all to yours. Period, finished, finito.

  34. Sorry to've offended, Pam... I shall leave the subject and all still discussing it be, as requested.

  35. Respac: You didn’t offend me, quite the contrary.

    Professor: I didn’t realize you were addressing Blue, I thought it was Respac, too. Sometimes this comment section can get a bit confusing!

    And for the record, to EVERYONE, because I had to delete yet another comment, I WILL decide what comments are appropriate and I WILL do the reprimanding, if it needs done. Getting on my nerves isn’t wise anymore.

  36. Hey Pam, I'm a little slow in getting by but I'm happy to see you up and running. I enjoy your blog, your writing and your perspective. Good luck.

    Re the picture business. I put one up, but someone told me on another blog that, if that were me, I sure was ugly. I took it down. Truth hurts.

    Politics aside, I read all these personally insulting comments and have to wonder if the hate messengers were taught any manners when they were growing up - or respect for others, whether or not they agreed with them.

    Bluepitbull said: There is no excuse for going to someone else's blog and behaving badly.

    See last paragraph.

    Pam, I wish you all the luck and happiness in 2010. I consider it and honor to have you for a friend.

  37. I think with all the brilliant minds out there in the blogosphere, we should be able to come up with some ideas of our own...
    We shouln't have to call eachother dirty names etc. "Why can't we just get along"?

    My caffeine buzz is wearing off, but let's not drop the ball on this, there's far too much at stake here...

  38. Pamela: like it or not, your are like Rick's Cafe Americana. Only it's Pamela's. Everyone comes to Pamela's. It's your cross to bear.

    This shows how much we long for discussion with people of all views. I wish it was on every subject but it always comes down to who called whom what first.

    I don't hide my respect for many righties that have graciously engaged in dialogue with me. I've learned much from LaOT. Tom the Redhunter. Rational Nation. Even the Professor of Life before the old hates came into play. I've learned much from Pamela and Jennifer.

    My mission from 2006 when I had my other blog was to enlighten as well as entertain. That doesn't mean I can't be enlightened and entertained by those of different political or moral views. If my way of trying to draw someone out so I can get his/her real opinion offends, I'm not sorry.

    Thank you for letting all of us into the world of your Oracular Opinion Pamela D. Hart. I won't comment on your profile pic because one of my daughters reads your site also and she would rat me out f I said you are really hot.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Truth101 said:
    "Even the Professor of Life before the old hates came into play."
    In response, i ll ask you, what does that nonsense mean?
    Enough of this bull already Truth, I don't post on your blog because of the nasty, dirty, filthy things you say about MY party and MY parties leaders.
    I'm not saying that you should agree with the republicans, far from it, but I won't take part in ANY blog or conversation where they can't use civil language.
    You use you blog for discussions about how bad us conservatives and our party is and your cronies join in and relish and feel the gratification of it all in your vile and angry way. And I’ll do the same on my blog, only without the disgusting language. I’ll leave that for you. I'm a life-long Conservative who has dedicated his means to weakening the Democratic Party, and I will continue to do whatever I can to make sure that it will be a very long time before we ever see anyone like Barack Obama in the White House again.... if ever. And the same goes for Reid and Pelosi.
    I won’t be just sitting back and watch his destruction of America and just shake my head while you people swoon over the likes of him.
    I’ll tell you one thing, if the Obama/Reid/Pelosi Healthcare bill gets rammed through, then come November, Congress becomes Republican again. You can bet on that!

  41. You're always welcome to visit and post at Truth 101 Professor. In fact, because I respect your passion for your ideals and America, I'm considering becoming active in party politics again just so I can work for a health care system that insures you and your family access to quality and affordable health care for generations.

    My best wishes for a wonderful new year to you and your family professor of Life. And if I may add, your haircut and dignified attire are very becoming.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Some folks just can't take yes for an answer.

    (And, though I'm loathe to bring it up here at all, given earlier commentary... I pecked out a reply to one of those comments deleted from here at my Immoderate Monk blog. If you were expecting me to reply to something you said here earlier today, and your e-mail address isn't on your profile, my wayward reply just may be for you. If so, I invite you to reply or ignore--there, not here, please--at your leisure.)

  44. (Dang... I wish "the author" would make up his mind, & either post the comment he intends to post, or just doesn't bother using the keyboard... All this self-editing after the fact is getting tiresome, especially since I keep replying to comments that're there when I hit "comment," and gone by the time I hit "post.")

  45. thanks for the sarcasm repsac3 but you were not and are the furthest thing from my mind. I was responding to Truth who was just corresponding ti me.
    So if you have something to say... SAY IT. I have a low tolerance for bullshit.....

  46. Professor: Respac said you can go over to his blog at the Immoderate Monk . He even responded to a comment I deleted earlier. He was faster than me and copied it before I got to it.

    So have at it guys! I’m too tired! It’s freezing here in Pa and it has me worn out.

  47. Re the picture business. I put one up, but someone told me on another blog that, if that were me, I sure was ugly. I took it down. Truth hurts.

    Leslie: What an awful thing for someone to say! I can’t imagine that it’s even true! (I I like your horse pic though. My dream is to have property and a horse.) There are some people who are just plain mean and jealous. I was teased a lot growing up-—I HATE my nose, but had to put off my nose-job because my son needed braces! I’ll get it one of these days! LOL.

    I DO wonder if people were taught manners and I believe that most were, but have now decided to just ignore them. There are some really unhappy people hell bent on spreading their misery to others. “Misery loves company”, they say. I just refuse to feed into it and do my best to stay as positive and optimistic as possible. Life’s too short and I’ve been through way too much to waste any more precious time on “things” that aren’t important or people who want to “hurt”.

    Thanks for the well wishes, Leslie, and I’m glad we’re friends, too. It’s people like you who I mentioned in my post—you’ve made this whole blogging experience worthwhile.

  48. Truth: I DO like my latte’s. Vanilla, in fact. If this is my cross to bear, I’ll take it. It could be worse!

    As far as being hot…well…right now it’s only 15 degrees…but hey, thanks! I won’t tell a soul.

  49. for the ex-friends of Pam who are acting all bent outta shape because she talks to liberals, read this from Bob Cesca and it's also on Huffington Post.....

    Prominent blogger Charles Johnson announced last month on his blog, Little Green Footballs, that he had "parted ways with the right." He gave a list of reasons, including "support for fascists ... support for bigotry ... hatred, and white supremacism ... support for anti-science bad craziness" and "support for conspiracy theories and hate speech.

    Some conservative readers were apparently not pleased with Johnson's critique. In a profile of Johnson, the LA Times reports that the blogger moved into a gated community partly due to violent right-wing threats.

    As I talked to Johnson in his office, an alert flashed on one of his two giant computer monitors. An angry screed targeting him on another website concluded: "I think a visit to Mr. Johnson's home might be warranted. Anybody got his address?"

  50. Sue said... Bla, bla, bla and so on...

    Hey Sue, why don’t you knock this crap off already? How long are you screw-balls going to prolong this nonsense? PAMELA DOESN’T HAVE ANY EX-FRIENDS. As far as I can see it and as I have read this dumb collection of comments her FRIENDS were offering some advice, her party, not becoming EX-FRIENDS. She is as always welcome to take their advice or not. So don’t come here with your Heroic BULL-SHIT and trying to come off as a martyr and a people pleaser. You are not helping her or this situation, you are only upsetting her and stirring up a problem that for all accounts is already done with. I know that it’s been a tough winter, But get out in the sunshine and try to smile, it's time to unlock the doors of your imprisoned mind and walk out!
    WE don’t need to read NO STINKIN letter from liberals, and Bob Cesca, and whoever this Johnson is and especially if it’s on that Moron of all Moron’s Arianna Huffington ’s Post..
    Get a life, get a job, get off my lawn, and get off my nerves.
    Why Are Progressives So Batshit Crazy?

  51. HEY SUE!

    I was about to attempt to address your points in a clear, logical manner. Until I read your blog....
    Where you call the people in my party Teabaggers, and everything else under the sun. And where you posted a picture of Rush, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck and labeled them as ASS-HOLES... And then you come here with your Holier than thou BULL-SHIT!

  52. sorry Pam, I guess I should have taken that article and done a post out of it on my own blog. If Mal would just read the article he could see something like what happened to that blogger could happen to both the right and the left. So once again Mal you need to calm down, your hatred for me is not rational. I'm a liberal, no question, so of course I would call Beck and Limbaugh a**holes. Stop acting so pure and angelic.

  53. Sue said...
    sorry Pam, I guess I should have taken that article and done a post out of it on my own blog. If Mal would just read the article he could see something like what happened to that blogger could happen to both the right and the left. So once again Mal you need to calm down, your hatred for me is not rational. I'm a liberal, no question, so of course I would call Beck and Limbaugh a**holes. Stop acting so pure and angelic.

    Oh is that the way it works? Well then, I'm a CONSERVATIVE, so I guess then there's no question
    I would call YOU an a**hole.

    And so AGAIN Sue is apologizing to Pam for posting something on her blog that has NOTHING to do with Pan's subject... and it goes on and on, and on and on..


    Perhaps they never were friends... So what does one call those unhappy few (all Cons, from what I can tell) who posted comments to the previous post, saying that as long as Pam allows certain libs to post here, they were no longer going to take part in this blog?

    What does one call these others who cannot manage to adhere to the rules posted at the top of this very post, particularly those about off-topic posts, attacking other participants, and gratuitous namecalling?

    "you are only upsetting her and stirring up a problem that for all accounts is already done with."

    It's wild how certain folks are so attuned to Pam's moods as to be able to speak for her. Personally, I think she can speak for herself, and very clearly express when she's upset with something someone said. (Having one's comment moderated away is probably a clue, as well.) I see no need to speak on her behalf...

    "WE don’t need to read NO STINKIN letter from liberals, and Bob Cesca, and whoever this Johnson is and especially if it’s on that Moron of all Moron’s Arianna Huffington ’s Post.."

    Again, speaking for yourself would probably be in order. While you apparently don't need no stinkin' facts to rock your cozy boatful of beliefs about the political & social world, some of us like to broaden those horizons and take on facts and opinions with which we do not immediately agree. While I don't put a whole lotta stock in the words or deeds of Ol' Charles Johnson (of Little Green Footballs fame), I have also heard that like Pam, he's come under fire from folks who used to agree with him, just for failing the purity test and thinking for himself. (Unlike Pam, Chuckie's actually renounced some of his formally conservative views and the "friends" who still espouse them... for which he's getting threats of bodily harm, according to some reports.) The purity factor though, is kinda similar. Those who don't sufficiently tow the party line--saying the right words, supporting the right measures, hating the right people--are getting attacked for their heresy. Thinkin' too far outside the box isn't acceptable.

    Why is it some folks insist on making sweeping generalizations about folks with whom they disagree? Why can they not seem to treat folks as individuals, and not try to make the sins of one the sins of all?

    "I'm a CONSERVATIVE, so I guess then there's no question I would call YOU an a**hole."

    Sad, that anyone--left or right--thinks that way. Some folks surely do act like assholes, but it ain't there political persuasion that makes or keeps 'em from doing so... Not as far as I'm concerned, anyway...
    (Far as I'm concerned, it's only the upecus ones who behave like that...) ((Yeah, it's the verification "word" for this comment.))

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Excuse me, but I was under the impression that even a stupid, silly comment deserves an answer.

  57. Excuse me, but I was under the impression that even a stupid, silly comment deserves an answer.

    Mr. Chronicles: Not on MY blog. My post was very explicit on why I feel the way I do and how I will handle rude and condescending comments. I realize you are new here, so please read my rules at the top of my site so there will be no further confusion.

  58. Hi Pam,

    I'm late in getting here to lend my support to what you are trying to accomplish.


    And Happy New Year.

  59. Malcontent: I've seen your comments elsewhere. You are unacceptably rude. Where do you get off with your nasty name calling, your personal insults and bringing another person's blog over here?

    You need to wash out your mouth with soap and go sit in a corner with a dunce cap on.

    Also you have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to tell someone to get off a blog that isn't yours.

  60. No worries, Pam... I'm good, either way...

    Hopefully you won't mind my mentioning that--since it was already written, 'n'all--the response I deleted here went here, instead. (If you do mind, kill this comment, as well... 8>).

  61. Mal: I think the entire point is being missed yet again. What Sue or you or anyone else does on their blog is their business. I’ve seen the pics on Sue’s blog and they don’t bother me one bit. And I like Glenn Beck; I listen to him just about every day. Sue doesn’t HAVE to like him. I don’t like Olberman or Matthews—I just don’t have photos of them with X’s through their faces. I also don’t like beer, but I don’t have a beer bottle with an X through it, either. What people want to decorate their blogs with is their business, not mine. If I see something I don’t particularly like, I just ignore it and get on with the topic. I’ve learned over the years “not to sweat the small stuff” and most of it IS “small stuff”.

    My goal is to have a blog that is FREE from hostility. None of my readers have to like one another’s blogs, but they do have to be polite to each other while visiting my site.

  62. Leslie Parsley said...
    Malcontent: I've seen your comments elsewhere. You are unacceptably rude.

    I try my best..

    Where do you get off with your nasty name calling, your personal insults and bringing another person's blog over here?

    Like I said, I ty my best.

    You need to wash out your mouth with soap and go sit in a corner with a dunce cap on.
    Sounds like kinky but it might be fun, maybe I'll give it a try.

    Pamela D. Hart said...
    Mal: I think the entire point is being missed yet again. What Sue or you or anyone else does on their blog is their business.

    I know Pam, but I couldn't resist, I really do try.. I think that you know it.

  63. You need to wash out your mouth with soap and go sit in a corner with a dunce cap on.

    Sounds like kinky but it might be fun, maybe I'll give it a try.

    Mal: I like THIS! Now I would've just ignored it, but you turned it into something funny. And it's much better than being rude. Thank you!

  64. And by the way repsac3, I just read your secret file called "Immoderate Monk blog" It's VERY disappointing that there's nothing there about me.
    I feel rejected.
    What must I do or say to get listed there?

  65. Pam, I firmly agree with you about the original subject of this blog. And I think/I know that if you re-read my original posts way back you will see that.

    However, I really think that all that has been said on the past 25 or so comments have been redundant.
    Now we have people coming here from out of the woodwork and elsewhere with all other nonsense and it’s getting out of had. Thus the reason I have been having some fun with them. Your point has been well taken, and I DO agree with you ONE HUNDRED percent.
    But in all seriousness. I sincerely feel that it’s time to put a end to it. I suggest that you write another blog and put this one to bed.
    All my best wishes. Mal

  66. It's far from secret, Mal... The link's been posted here in this thread at least three times, already...

    Generally, it's for comments that I post to blogs who choose to moderate for content before the fact--Folks have a right to run their blogs anyway they choose, but I reserve the right to have my comments posted somewhere, regardless--but since I've been responding to comments here that Pam subsequently deletes, I've been putting my responses to those comments there, as well, since leaving them posted here without the comments to which I was responding, would just be silly... (So far there's three, I think...)

    So I guess you'll have to post something here that's worthy of a response from me, but offensive enough to Pam's rules to for her to moderate away... (I thought you might've had it with the comment to which I replied earlier, but I guess you just weren't offensive enough to make the grade... But there's always next time...)

    Alternatively, you could write something worthy of response at your own blog, and then moderate away whatever comment I make, whether deserved (based on whatever rules you have), or not. That'd also work...

    Whichever method you choose, I wish you luck, sir...

  67. repsac3 said...

    It's far from secret, Mal... The link's been posted here in this thread at least three times, already...So I guess you'll have to post something here that's worthy of a response from me, but offensive enough to Pam's rules to for her to moderate away... (I thought you might've had it with the comment to which I replied earlier, but I guess you just weren't offensive enough to make the grade... But there's always next time...)

    Hummm... I think I'll pass. But...Maybe another time

  68. Mal: That's fine too, but don't blame me for your feelings of disappointment & rejection if you're not willing to do the work to get yourself noticed...

    I'm not givin' out blog comment welfare, y'know...

    You want the honor of appearing at Immoderate Monk, you're going to have to work for it...

  69. I'm wondering how old Mal is.. He seems to want to be Pams keeper, husband, son, boyfriend... it's all so weird how he tries to run the show...how can you tell someone to close their blog? Maybe he wants a private blog just for himself and Pam? Sorry Pam, I think this guy needs some kind of help.

  70. I've just about had it with my left leaning friends picking on Malcontent. He's obviously a sensitive young man who's looking for direction and you nasty brutes continue to taunt him with your logic and empathy for those with no health care coverage.

    I've never been this ashamed.

  71. I have no idea whence I came to land here, but I'm amused. There seems to be a few issues in here having to do with control. (Yes, that's the word.) If I hadn't have noticed the presence of highly esteemed friends such as Oso and Truth, I might have backed right out through the side door. But, I guess I'll follow awhile out of curiousity. And make Nice.....

  72. Pam: Getting your mouth washed out with soap - or having to do it yourself - wasn't kinky. It was the worst punishment in the world when you were bad or said something nasty. Of course I was such an angel I never had to do it - lie. Big lie.

    Visiting blogs is kind of like watching a TV program. If you don't like it, change the channel or turn it off. There's no law that says you have to read or watch something.

  73. 'Xactly! But what if there were such a law? What then?

  74. LOL Truth I am falling on the floor laughing!! Leave it to our friend Truth to break the tension!

  75. TRUTH has a wonderfully wry sense of humor. He always makes me smile. And I thank him for that.

  76. Sue said...

    LOL Truth I am falling on the floor laughing!! Leave it to our friend Truth to break the tension!

    Sue, Are You "falling on the floor"
    and you can't get up?
    I have a talent and vision. I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant. But, I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.

  77. A personal note to repsac3...
    All our lives we're caught up in this search for significance, my advice to you is to keep searching..

  78. I have great respect for Blogless Guys self realization. While many think they're making a difference through blogging, he has the good sense to know his opinion is meaningless. Thus he "ain't got no blog."

    You my friend are the Seinfeld of our community. You are about "nothing."

    I wish you well.

  79. Sue said...

    I'm wondering how old Mal is.. He seems to want to be Pams keeper, husband, son, boyfriend... it's all so weird how he tries to run the show...how can you tell someone to close their blog? Maybe he wants a private blog just for himself and Pam? Sorry Pam, I think this guy needs some kind of help.

    LMAO, I can assure you that I have NO desire to be Pams keeper, husband, son, boyfriend.. I'm sure that she is just fine in all of those departments..
    And as for your wondering about my age, Thank you, we're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.
    But a Gentleman never asks or tell his age.

    And Truth, I think your real mission is to have a audience with your leftwing back patting losers. I suppose there will always be an audience for somebody with your gab.

    Pam, it looks like your friends really want to see you continues to have this band of creeps here with their banter.

  80. :::not responding... The comments aren't staying, anyway:::

  81. repsac3 said...
    "not responding... The comments aren't staying, anyway"

    As if anyone besides you even remotely gives a crap, about your dumb blog that was created to talk about other blogs. This dumb blog only reflects your lack of sanity..
    And you can tell by the lack of comments, how much of a wealth of interest is there.

  82. First off, Mal ol' pal, the line you quoted refers to this blog right here... I doubt the attack comments (or at least, the ones I see as attack comments) posted this morning are going to remain, so there's little point in addressing them...

    As far as my "dumb blog," it seems to be you who keeps bringin' it up, not me... You cared yesterday, Mal... Color me all manner of heartbroke that you don't, today...

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. "Man can't you even recognize SARCASM when you see it."

    Pot, say hey to kettle...

    Thanks for the big ol' laugh of irony, Mal...

  85. Respac: I’m allowing SOME of the comments to stay. I’m okay with the “back and forth banter”, as long as it stays CIVIL, and it SO far it looks like it is.
    The others I’ve deleted were political and my post is NOT about politics. It’s more of a “personal” post.

    Mal: Yes, I’m married to a great guy. Frankly, I don’t think anyone else would put up with me! I’m “high maintenance”. :)

    Vigilante: Come back and say something nonpolitical, something witty. Just be polite! :)

  86. Kathleen: I appreciate your support for the Conservative party. HOWEVER, this topic is NOT political.

    I'll be posting one soon, so be sure to stop by and contribute when it's up.

    Thank you.

  87. Sociopath: a person whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.

    Civil: adhering to the norms of polite social intercourse; not deficient in common courtesy

  88. Whoa there Malcontent. Repsac's my friend and I won't sit idly by while a big meanie like you calls him "pernicious." Pamela can delete me if she must but nobody calls my friend something unmanly like that without paying for it! You big smelly butt you!

    Let that be a lesson to you Mal.

  89. Leslie & Truth: I've been deleting TROLLS all day. Don't these people have what I like to refer to as LIVES?

    I belive my post states that I won't tolerate this behavior any longer, that I will DELETE, I won't explain, I won't argue, etc., what part of ACT CIVIL don't these people get?

    Did Mal call Respac that? I need to go back and check. I thought they were all joking around in those previous posts...

  90. TRUTH 101 said...

    Whoa there Malcontent. Repsac's my friend and I won't sit idly by while a big meanie like you calls him "pernicious”.

    Did I call him/her that? Oh this damn keyboard is always making typos ...
    I meant to say “ PenisHead”

  91. Stop it or I'm gonna give EVERYONE a few TYPOS!


  92. Seeing as how I was mistaken about some of the comments that made the cut. (Like others, I interpreted the rules differently...):

    IAGNB is obviously a modest man. But then, he has much to be modest about.


    Opinions are like assholes, Mal... We all have 'em, and everyone else's stinks worse than our own. Believe as you will... I don't recall anyone asking you to express your opinion on the subject, however. There's more'n'likely a reason for that.

    "I meant to say “ PenisHead”

    No doubt you did... ...which in itself speaks volumes about the kind of person you are.

    Truth: You are a gentleman and a defender of all that is good and right, as always... ...though I have been feeling a little pernicious, of late...

    "I'm gonna give EVERYONE a few TYPOS!"

    Whatta ya think we is, sum kynna morans?

  93. Respac: ROFL!

    No; I dont thnik my readrs are morans. Only trollz are. Pleez dont make me git one of thoz Afishal Trollz Dikshonareez. Cuz I dont think Amazon selz them.

  94. No one has a right to comment on anyone else's blog.

    Myself, I let everyone comment as long as they adhere to basic rules of decorum.

  95. I agree with Tom. The author(s) of the blog have final say about what does/does not appear on their pages, and it's silly to complain if a blogger chooses not to run their little corner of the web the way you believe they should.

    I'm no big fan of blogs who moderate for content before the fact--essentially treating those who comment as guilty until proved innocent, rather than the other way 'round--but there are good reasons for doing so sometimes, and if I (or anyone else) doesn't like it, we're welcome not to submit a comment for moderator approval, or if we do, to take additional steps (on our own blogs, perhaps) to make sure that we express our opinion regardless of what the moderator at some other blog chooses to do.

    I'm also not fond of blogs who moderate (before or after) for ideological content (only allowing those comments that agree with the blog's/blogger's position on an issue, and not approving/deleting the rest), but even there, the blogger(s) make(s) the rules, and anyone who's unhappy is free to participate on blogs that welcome thinking rather than that "happy hive-like" mentality.

    Personally, I'll delete spam (sales blurbs, links, anything posted in a language and jargon that I can't easily read and understand) without thought or comment, but when it comes to the off-topic &/or obnoxious commentary of the average internet variety troll, I tend to hold it up for ridicule and use it as a good example of who & what not to be. (On topic commentary--no matter how much it disagrees with my own thinkin' on the subject at hand--is always welcome, of course.) But I don't blame those who blast trollage off the page at first sight, either... (Sometimes I think they're smarter than I, in fact... particularly lately, given what I've seen posted--& quickly "unposted"--'round here.)

  96. As far as I understand it and I'm pretty sure that I am correct.
    People are allowed to write anything they wish to as long as they do not threaten to do any harm to anyone .

    The internet is very lenient, as far as allowing people to say whatever they want to. There is a very strong defense of free speech on the internet.
    As I said, they can say anything they wish to as long as they do not threaten to do any harm to anyone or anything. Also these is not anything in the guidelines of the internet in regard to vulgar language. And ANYONE is free to post on anyone's blog as long as there aren't any restrictions such as *registering*
    I hoped that helps.

  97. People are allowed to write anything they wish to as long as they do not threaten to do any harm to anyone.

    Legally, sure... But the folks who create/run these little pages so many of us have are also free (legally & ethically) to block comments entirely, moderate and approve them piecemeal, so that only the ones they want/like appear in public, or delete comments after the fact, based on whatever criteria they choose.

    There is a very strong defense of free speech on the internet.

    Also true. But largely irrelevant, as far as blogs go... While I may have the legal right to be vulgar or otherwise offensive on the internet in general, it doesn't give me or anyone else an absolute legal right to come to your blog and call you names or say nasty things about your parentage or political leanings and have it remain posted, if you, as "blogmaster," don't choose to allow it. Moderating blog comments, before or after the fact, isn't a legal or free speech issue, and in that regard, one's speech on a particular blog is limited to whatever speech the person in charge of the blog chooses to permit.

    (And even if such speech is permitted, that doesn't grant one immunity from being judged harshly by the community or the world at large based on the manner of speech one chooses to engage in. While one may have the right to treat people poorly, that doesn't mean a person's not an ass for choosing to do so.)

  98. Pamela, in the spirit of bipartisanship, and to all those Grinches who stole your Christmas, I make this offer.

    If any troll can convert this formula into a 5 -line poem with a rhyme scheme AABBA, I shall remain celibate for the rest of the year. Here is the formula:

    ((12 + 144 + 20 + (3 * 4^(1/2))) / 7) + (5 * 11) = 9^2 + 0

  99. Who cares what he or she has to "Offer"

    I CARE!

    As Blog Owner I have the RIGHT to determine what comments stay and which go into the trash can.

    Anyonymous comments are normally trolls and since YOURS was politically related it didn't belong here because it was OFF-TOPIC--read my rules.

    If you care to follow my rules, come back and post something that pertains to the topic at hand and be CIVIL and then MAYBE I'll permit your comments to stay...otherwise find another blog to pollute.

  100. Pamela D. Hart said...
    If you care to follow my rules, come back and post something that pertains to the topic at hand and be CIVIL and then MAYBE I'll permit your comments to stay...otherwise find another blog to pollute.

    Who know what YOU call Civil? You seem to pick and chose whoever you want to allow to say whatever they want to.

    Remember, Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, right? So, it is never a bad idea to brush up on history, to be sure that we're on the right path, away from the things that went wrong, and towards the things that worked, right?

  101. Who know what YOU call Civil? You seem to pick and chose whoever you want to allow to say whatever they want to.

    Yes, I DO pick and choose. It's MY blog! If that doesn't fit with YOUR agenda, there are millions of other blogs in the sphere that you can browse to find one that will serve you better.

    Good luck to you.

  102. If any troll can convert this formula into a 5 -line poem with a rhyme scheme AABBA, I shall remain celibate for the rest of the year. Here is the formula:

    ((12 + 144 + 20 + (3 * 4^(1/2))) / 7) + (5 * 11) = 9^2 + 0

    Octo: How’s this:

    A dozen, a gross and a score,
    plus three times the square root of four,
    divided by seven,
    plus five times eleven,
    equals nine squared and not a bit more.

    And since I’m NOT a troll, you may be as libidinous as you wish, as long as Mrs. Octo is in the mood!

  103. I think that this topic has been exhausted

  104. A message to ALL of you so called Patriotic Americans, wh are so quick to call us liberals names.

    I see so many people on the republican/conservative side of political debates whining about how people behave, how the country is run, how our President should act, and how to raise children. And even insulting the president and his wife and the rest of his administration. Yet none of you CONSERVATIVES feel bad about insulting other Americans who just happen to support the President and the Office of the President. I ask you this: is this how you would want your children to behave? Is this how you want YOU to behave? Yo act like animals? There is a difference between a debate and a pathetic waste of insults. I pray everyone learns that difference. I don't care how right anyone is. If you act like a monster just to get your point across, I don't want to listen to you. For crying out loud, this country hardly seems united anymore. Everyone is constantly at each others' throats for even the stupidest reasons. Funny how kids are told not to call people names and treat others with respect when apparently, that's all going to not matter in the future anyway. Everyone grows up and totally forgets the meaning of respect and manners.

    To all you hate Republican mongers and name callers, I have a question: Are you PROUD of how you handle these situations? Are you GLAD you come across as a jerk? If you are, why? ANYONE can lose their temper. It takes balls to hold it in. It takes a coward to behave like a monster. Any moron can call someone "stupid" or "ignorant." It takes BRAINS and CONFIDENCE IN YOUR OPINION to provide facts and politely discuss your thoughts.

    To all you Conservitive American, hate mongers, and unimaginative name-calling followers, I say to you all: GROW UP.

  105. Pamela, congratulations! That is the correct answer. If there were one person here who could do it, i knew it would be you.

    And if there were one person here who would appreciate a moment of lighthearted relief, I knew it would be you.

    Not to worry about the celibacy part. An octopus mates only once in a lifetime; nurturing the brood takes so much energy, it the last deed we accomplish in life.

  106. "as long as Mrs. Octo is in the mood!"

    Actually, I am holding out for a mimic octopus ... a certain fetish of mine (don't ask).

  107. Octo: Deal! As long as you promise she’s an acquiescent Sea Creature or I’ll be forced to throw calcareous skeletons at you!

  108. I'd love to see the folks who don't want to follow rules walk into a library, theater, school or funeral home and start shouting, abusing patrons, and in short, not following rules.


  109. Leslie Parsley said...
    I'd love to see the folks who don't want to follow rules walk into a library, theater, school or funeral home and start shouting, abusing patrons, and in short, not following rules.

    That reminds me of the time when I went into the library and asked the Librarian when did she serve the coffee and donuts? And she angrily said.. “SIR, THIS IS A LIBRARY!” So I then whispered and said “
    “I’m sorry, when do you serve the coffee and donuts?

  110. That's Life: LOL! Did she ever answer you?


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