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Monday, February 2, 2009

Blogroll Amnesty Day

February 3rd is a holiday for bloggers! It’s a day when larger blogs can acknowledge smaller blogs and link to them. Boy, do I like the sound of that! I’ve been blogging for over a year and I’m still on that long hike up Blogger Hill for traffic, linkies and followers. So, this holiday is just stupendous to me. Big Kudos to Jon Swift, Blue Gal and Skippy the Bush Kangaroo! But especially Jon. He holds a special place in my blog. When I first started out he was the first one to blogroll and link me. What a great guy. And his blog is really terrific. For the last 3 years he’s been a finalist in the Weblog Awards. Next year is yours, Jon!

Back to Amnesty Day. The rules are easy. All you have to do is link to 5 blogs that have less traffic than yours or write about blogs you really like. Also mention how you link or blogroll. See, it’s as easy as 1-2-3. Mine is really easy, because almost all of my blogrollers have more traffic than me! As far as how I link or blogroll that’s easy, too. If you link to me, I will link to you. If you follow me, I will follow you. If you comment on my blog, then I’ll comment on your blog. This works well for me because it fits in with my life theme of “doing unto others” and the karma rule of “what you give out comes back to you”.

Without further delay here are a few blogs that I would like to mention:

Ray at Concerned Citizens for a Conservative California is a blogger interested in spreading the conservative word to Californians. He believes that liberalism has all but destroyed California and wants to inform Americans about politics. His blog does a good job of meeting his goal.

Walt’s World is a conservative blog that deals with topics that concern all Americans. Walt is, in his own words, opinionated, but rightly so. Check out his blog, it’s a good read.

Pat J Knows it All is a blog that covers everything from politics to games. Pat is a funny guy and you even get advice from Mrs. P, his wife. I’ve received a lot of chuckles from this blog and highly recommend it as a good read and a lot of fun.

Musings from the Elephant Man is another political blog that is a great read. On Tuesdays he writes about Democracy and they’re titled “Tuesday Night Insights on Democracy” and they’re very insightful as well as informative.

The Local Malcontent, who insists he isn’t malcontent, except to the overwhelming Liberal-Democrats that occupy his state of Oklahoma. His blog is political and very informative.

There are more great bloggers on my roll. Just click them for some super reads.

Happy Amnesty Day!


  1. well thank you for the plug, and kind words pammy! but you know the creedo i live by when it comes to my blog, size doesn't matter!!!.. thanks again!

  2. I'm all for linky love! But...reading these descriptions makes me wonder if I belong here...I'm a liberal democrat. And I love Obama.

    But it takes all kinds, right? We're all Americans, right?

  3. Jason, everyone is welcome. Just because most of us are conservatives doesn't mean you can't comment and give us your insight and opinions. It would make for some lively commentary!

  4. Why, thank you very much, Pamela for the shout out! You honor me here; I wish I'd heard about/known of the Feb. 3 Blogger's Day-
    For yours would certainly be linked at my bloggie.


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